alysis, and sub billing applications. The flexible design allows for low, medium, and high density metering requirements to be met efficiently and economically using only a few standardized components that may be integrated into Panelboard, Switch.
SEM3 Branch Circuit Meters & Accessories - Siemens US
For multi-family, commercial, and industrial applications, Siemens Embedded Micro Metering Module (SEM3) is designed for energy monitoring, data analysis, and sub-billing in an integrated panelboard, switchboard, PDU, RPP, bus plug products. Approved by New York City PSC & California CDFA for sub billing application.
The Siemens Embedded Micro Metering Module (SEM3) is a modular metering solution for energy monitoring, data analysis, and sub billing applications.
rature to 14°F to 149°F (-10°C to 65°C). Measurement Category III (CAT III), Mains Supply Voltage Fluctuations up to 10% less than nominal low range the mains supply and 10% more t. an nominal high range of mains power supply. CAT III is for circuits which can be conne.
ering ModuleTM The new Siemens Embedded Micro Metering Module (SEM3) is a modular metering solution for energy monitoring, trending, and sub-billin. applications. The flexible design allows for low, medium, and high density metering requirements to be met efficiently and economically using only a few standardi.
Shelly Pro 3EM-3CT63
Shelly Pro 3EM-3CT63 (the Device) is a DIN rail mountable single or three-phase energy meter. Enhanced with all the gen2 firmware flexibility and LAN connectivity, it provides professional integrators with additional options for end-customer solutions.
非常详细的扫描电镜(SEM)图像分析,建议收藏! - 知乎
2023年7月12日 · 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...
2CT的电表跟3CT的电表有什么不同 - 百度知道
2011年10月25日 · 3CT的电表,是较新的电表,也就是三元件表。 现在的电子表几乎采用三元件模式。 因为电子表对于测两相和测三相,成本几乎相同。 三元件表对三相分别独立测量,不需要考虑线路的平衡性,其测量精度、适应性等等,都大幅度提高,会全面取代两元件表。 这二种都是三相表,2CT的表只有二个电压线圏,只能用于三相同时用电的电器计量,不能用于单相用电,因为单相用电时如果方向不对,表会倒转。 3CT的表有三个电压线圏,这就如同三个单相表,不 …
Destruction of CIN 1 and 2 with the Semm cold coagulator: 13 …
Results: Overall, a 96.7% primary success rate with a single treatment (97.1% for CIN 1, 96.5% for CIN 2) and 99% overall success rate after one or more treatments with the cold coagulator. None of the women developed micro-invasive or invasive cancer and only 1.1% developed CIN 3.
2023年7月3日 · 电子侦测器有两种,一种是闪烁计数器侦测器 (Scintillator),常用于侦测能量较低的二次电子,另一种是固态侦测器 (solid state detector),则用于侦测能量较高的反射电子。 37. 影响电子显微镜影像品质的因素: A. 电子枪的种类:使用场发射、LaB6或钨丝的电子枪。 B. 电磁透镜的完美度。 C. 电磁透镜的型式: In-lens ,semi in-lens, off-lens. D. 样品室的洁净度: 避免粉尘、水气、油气等污染。 E. 操作条件: 加速电压、工作电流、仪器调整、样品处理、真空度。 F. 环境 …