Semuanya - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Semuanya was one of the fragments of the World Serpent, a fractured deity from the ancient time of the sarrukh who broke themselves into several pieces to better serve the many wills of their …
Semuanya - Great Library of Greyhawk
Semuanya is an aspect of the "World Serpent" deity worshiped in different forms by the various reptilian races. His worshipers are enthusiastically slaughtered by the cultists of Sess'innek, …
Semuanya - Greyhawk Wiki
2010年12月21日 · Semuanya is the chief deity worshiped by lizardfolk. The symbol of Semuanya is a single reptile egg. Its sacred animal is the alligator. Semuanya appears as a large …
semuanya - Search - D&D Beyond
lethal natural hazards. Along with the servants of Semuanya —who eagerly encourage visitors and one another to strive toward ever-greater goals—all manner of giant Beasts and swamp …
Semuanya's Bog - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Semuanya's Bog was the divine realm of the lizardfolk deity known as Semuanya.[1][2][3] This realm was a dismal swamp located on the far shores of the lake Tir fo Thuinn in the …
Church of Semuanya | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
The church of Semuanya (pronounced: /sɛmuːˈænjɑː/ se-moo-ÆN-ya[7]) was the primary religious organization dedicated to the worship and service of the lizardfolk god Semuanya, The...
Semuanya (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Semuanya. Type: Deity Portfolio: Survival Alignment: Neutral Domains: Life Symbol: Egg Worshipers: Lizardfolk Pantheon: Lizardfolk
塞缪安亚Semuanya | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
塞缪安亚Semuanya 是冷漠的蜥蜴人之神,根据神话,他的尾巴被侏儒神明 奈贝伦 盗取制造了第一艘侏儒飞艇。 其祂的两栖和爬行动物神并非一个强大的群体。 祂们大多都有着不关心、不 …
Semuanya – Planescape: I am the Mimir
Semuanya manifests as an enormous lizardfolk warrior, at the pinnacle of physical prowess. They are both strong and agile, a perfect specimen of lizardfolk anatomy. Adorned in a simple …
Semuanya | Kishago DnD Wiki | Fandom
Semuanya refers both to the Island of Semuanya, where the lizardfolk resided, and the goddess for whom the Island is named. The Goddess Semuanya created the lizardfolk and it was …