SEP 14 | Endpoint Protection - community.broadcom.com
2016年10月28日 · Existing SEP 12.1 serial number will not show SEP 14.0 version in the downoad list. Symantec has sent ...
SEP 14.0-14.2 End Of life | Endpoint Protection - Broadcom
2023年3月29日 · Is there an article related to SEP 14.0-14.2 versions' end-of-life? Recently, got notified from Broadcom that the 14.0 to 14.2 versions will no longer receive s
Endpoint Protection - Symantec Enterprise - Broadcom
2016年11月15日 · Symantec Endpoint Protection(SEP)14现已有售!SEP 14可以阻止恶意软件以各种方式攻击端点设备,使您能够全身心投入到工作之中。其独特的多层保护功能结合的人工智能采用了先进的机器学习技术和其他关键技术,可有效防御来自所有点的攻击。SEP控制台使现有安全基础设施的管理与整合成为可能。该 ...
SEP 14.2 is now available | Endpoint Protection - Broadcom
2018年6月15日 · - SEP 14.2 blocks RSAT - Server Manager on Windows 10 1803 workstation . Runs in task manager but doesn't appear on screen. - Installation off SEPM 14.2 finishes but after reboot of the server the SEPM Service and SEPM Webserver Services won't …
After Upgrading to SEP 14.3 RU7, Server Reporting Unexpected …
2023年4月24日 · After upgrading to SEP Manager 14.3 RU7 on hosting, server reporting unexpected error. Already checked on here as Broadcom is saying their engineers are working to fix that error.
SEP 14 for win XP | Endpoint Protection - Broadcom
2016年12月29日 · Hi All, Does SEP 12.1.6 reached EOL exiting customer will get latest protection if they continue to use 12.1.6, also SEP 14 is compatible with Windows xp 32 bit & 64 bit os. or win xp support has been removed in sep 14. please …
Endpoint Protection - Symantec Enterprise - Broadcom
2016年11月16日 · SEP 14 をダウンロードする アップグレードする 始める前に、考えられるアップグレードパスを検討してみましょう。 現在、バージョン 12.x 以降の Symantec Endpoint Protection Management(SEPM)コンソールをお使いの場合は、直接 SEP 14 にアップグレード …
SEP 14.x offline update is possible? | Endpoint Protection
2016年11月9日 · I installed the new SEP Manager 14 and tried to offline update virus definitions with .jdp file (just like the 12.1.6 Manager). It extracted the jdb, and disappeared the file, but it seems like didn't update the virus definiation.
Windows Security Center shows "Status Unavailable" w/SEP 14.2 ...
2019年9月10日 · We've encountered an issue with SEP 14.2 RU1 MP1 (14.2.4814.1101) on Windows 10 1803 where Windows Defender Security Center shows "Status Unavailable" for both
SEP 14.2 for VDI VMWare Horizon | Endpoint Protection - Broadcom
2020年4月1日 · The one that says "SEP 12.1 RU2 and later: Virtualization best practices for Endpoint Protection 12.1.2 and later" is the one you want for best practice. If you open that link (that will open TECH197344), there is a link at the bottom of the page that opens for "SEP_14_Virtualization_Best_Practices.pdf". That's your 14.2 BP doc.