Student Educational Plan (SEP) | Fresno City College
A Student Education Plan (SEP) is a document that you and your counselor create together showing the courses and activities planned to reach your academic and career goals. An SEP should be developed even before you start your first semester at FCC and then updated throughout your enrollment in college.
Science Enrichment Preparation (S.E.P.) Program | NCHCAP
Held each summer on the UNC Chapel Hill campus, the S.E.P. Program is an eight-week, honors-level academic enrichment program that targets first-generation, rural, and/or socioeconomically disadvantaged undergraduate students (rising sophomores and juniors) who seek admission into Medical School or Dental School.
Student Educational Plan (SEP) - College of San Mateo
An SEP is a suggested educational plan created by a counselor to help you move toward your goals to earn a degree, a certificate and/or transfer to a university to complete a bachelor's degree. If you are working on any of these goals, you should meet with a counselor to develop your SEP before you register for your first semester.
Student Educational Planning (SEP) - Clovis Community College
As a result of the Student Success Act of 2012, all students need to meet with an academic counselor to get a Student Educational Plan (SEP). Also, in order to maintain enrollment priorities, students must have a SEP on file. A SEP outlines a suggested course of study for the individual student based on major, transfer plan, and sequence of ...
Counseling and Advisement Center - Citrus College
An SEP is a roadmap of courses that align with your program of study and will be your guide for selecting classes during registration. There are multiple options to complete your first semester abbreviated SEP: Drop-in counseling; Schedule an individual counseling appointment
Student Education Plan (SEP) - Southwestern College
The SEP identifies all General Education requirements, Major preparation, Pre-requisite courses, and Graduation requirements. Each plan will be customized to match your selected academic and career goals.
Student Education Plan - Allan Hancock College
2024年11月4日 · A Student Education Plan (SEP) is a personalized plan that you develop in DegreeWorks alongside your counselor. Your plan serves as your guide for which courses to take each semester.
Student Education Plan (SEP) - Cuesta College
A Student Education Plan (SEP) is a planning tool that you and your counselor create together based on your future academic and career goals.
Home - Student Experience Project
The Student Experience Project was created to tackle inequities in college success by transforming the student experience. By focusing on building community and a sense of belonging on campus, the SEP is committed to a future of higher education where all students—particularly students who face barriers entering college—feel supported to ...
Student Education Plan - Bakersfield College
What is an SEP? An SEP includes all the courses required to complete a certificate program, degree program, and or transfer. It may also be referred to as a Comprehensive Student Educational Plan (CSEP). Educational plans are created in Starfish Degree Planner and accessible to students online. Who needs an SEP?