2015/2366 - EN - Payment Services Directive - EUR-Lex
The SEPA project aims to further develop common Union-wide payment services to replace current national services with regard to payments denominated in euro. With a view to ensuring complete migration to Union-wide credit transfers and direct debits, Regulation (EU) No 260/2012 establishes technical and business requirements for credit ...
The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) - European Central …
A short overview of how the PSD2 fosters innovation, consumer protection and security Rules for third-party payment service providers. The PSD2 opens up the EU payments market to third-party payment service providers offering services based on …
Payment Services Directive - Wikipedia
The Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2, Directive (EU) 2015/2366, [1] which replaced the Payment Services Directive (PSD), Directive 2007/64/EC [2]) is an EU Directive, administered by the European Commission (Directorate General Internal Market) to regulate payment services and payment service providers throughout the European Union (EU ...
Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) - European Central Bank
The legal framework for SEPA – which the ECB helped to draw up in close cooperation with the European Commission – is based mainly on the Cross-border payments Regulation, the Payment Services Directive (PSD/PSD2), the SEPA migration …
Payment services - European Commission - Finance
2025年1月9日 · The Directive also laid the groundwork for the single euro payments area (SEPA), which allows consumers and businesses to make payments under the same conditions across the euro area. The Payment Services Directive (PSD1) was transposed by all EU Member states into their national law.
Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) - European Banking Authority
Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2): DIRECTIVE 2015/2366/EU (PSD2) Recital: Recital. Title I: SUBJECT MATTER, SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS Article 1: Subject matter. Article 2: …
Revised rules for payment services in the EU - EUR-Lex
Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (known as the revised payment service directive or PSD2) provides the legal foundation for the further development of a better integrated internal market for electronic payments within the European Union (EU).
什么是支付服务指令2 (PSD2)? - 知乎专栏
支付服务指令 (Payment Service Directive,简称PSD)最初于 2007 年通过,是 单一欧元支付区 (SEPA)的法律基础。 PSD2 是修订后的支付服务指令。 “2” 是指修订后的指令,因为它取代了原始支付服务指令(PSD)。 PSD2 中概述的法规旨在保护消费者及其数据,其中包括更加安全可靠的支付选项、更快的支付周转,还定了退款权。 PSD 旨在使欧洲支付委员会 74 个成员国之间付款更便捷,并改善对欧盟成员国公民的消费者保护。 PSD 的首要目标是通过将支付服务提供 …
5 Things You Need To Know About PSD2 - SEPA for Corporates
With PSD2, the Directive will allow retailers to ‘ask’ consumers for permission to use your bank details. Once you give permission, the retailer will receive the payment directly from your bank – no intermediaries
FINANCE - PSD2 - Die Europäische Kommission
2018年2月28日 · Thanks to new EU rules, European consumers can now benefit from electronic payments that are cheaper, easier and safer. Since 13 January 2018, the revised payment services directive (PSD2) applies throughout the EU. The revamped rules are intended to modernise Europe's payment services so they keep pace with a quickly evolving market.
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