Confederacy of Independent Systems | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Confederacy of Independent Systems, abbreviated to CIS, and otherwise known as the Separatist Alliance, the Separatist State, the Separatist Confederacy, the Separatist coalition, or simply referred to as the Separatists, was a confederation with …
Separatist hex icon | Wookieepedia - Fandom
The Separatist hex icon was the symbol used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.[1] It was a hexagon with dark blue outlines resting on one of its bases, dissected into six triangles, and containing a smaller hexagon at its heart.[2]
Confederacy of Independent Systems | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as the Confederacy, the CIS, the Separatist Confederacy, the Separatist Alliance, the Separatist State, the New Order, the pro-secessionists; or colloquially as the Separatists, Seps, or Sepies; was the government and separatist movement led by...
Confederacy of Independent Systems | Star Wars Databank
The Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as the Separatist Alliance, was a collection of star systems and corporate titans that left the Republic and fought for independence against the Republic’s clone armies and Jedi Knights.
Confederacy of Independent Systems - Simple English Wikipedia…
The Confederacy of Independent Systems (also known as the CIS or Separatists) was an organization that appeared in the Star Wars movies. The CIS was led by the fallen Jedi Count Dooku. The armies of the Separatists had thousands of battle droids. The CIS launched attacks against the Galactic Republic.
Confederacy of Independent Systems | Disney Wiki | Fandom
They are secondary antagonists of the prequel trilogy and the main antagonists of the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Shortly after the Clone Wars ended, Sidious dissolved the Confederacy of Independent Systems and reorganized …
Star Wars (Multimedia Franchise) - CRW Flags
2014年2月22日 · The Confederacy of Independent Systems (also known as the Separatists) was led by Count Dooku of Serenno, a former Jedi Knight. The members of the CIS considered the Republic too corrupt to be saved and seceded to form their own government.
Confederacy of Independent Systems | Star Wars Rebels Wiki
The Confederacy of Independent Systems (or the CIS), commonly known as the Separatist Alliance or just the Separatists, was a rival government of thousands of worlds which attempted to secede from the Galactic Republic, leading to the galaxy-wide three year long conflict known as the Clone Wars.
Confederacy of Independent Systems | Wicketpedia | Fandom
The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), also known as the Confederacy, the Separatist Confederacy, the New Order, the pro-secessionists colloquially as Separatists, or Seps for short, and lesser known as the "Separatist Alliance", was the government and separatist movement publicly led by...
Confederacy of Independent Systems | Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
The Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as the Separatist Alliance, was a collection of star systems and corporate titans that left the Republic and fought for independence against the Republic's clone armies and Jedi Knights.