Collective Bargaining Agreements - Ohio
3 天之前 · All active and inactive collective bargaining agreements (labor contracts) filed with SERB with an effective date after January 1, 2000. For collective bargaining agreements with an effective date before January 1, 2000 please submit a request using the Clearinghouse Research Request Form stating the the employer, union and date range of ...
State Employment Relations Board - Ohio
Celebrating 40 years of Ohio Collective Bargaining, SERB is the State agency with jurisdiction over public sector labor relations and collective bargaining. We assist parties in resolving labor-management disputes. Need Labor Contract Data? Submit a Clearinghouse Research Request.
Learn About SERB - Ohio
The State Employment Relations Board (SERB) administers the Ohio Public Employees’ Collective Bargaining Act through a three-member Board appointed by the Governor supported by a staff of 24. Board members are appointed to staggered six-year terms, and only two Board members may be of the same political party.
Homepage - SERB Pharmaceuticals
SERB Pharmaceuticals equips healthcare providers worldwide with lifesaving medicines for patients facing rare conditions and emergencies. Healthcare providers in over 100 countries rely on us for a broad range of essential medicines delivered via healthcare systems, first responders, emergency preparedness agencies, and non-profit organisations.
塞族共和國 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
塞族共和国[1] (塞尔维亚语西里尔字母: Република Српска, 拉丁字母: Republika Srpska, 发音: [repǔblika sr̩̂pskaː] (ⓘ)),又译 斯普斯卡共和國[2],是 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 的两个 实体 之一,和另一实体 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納聯邦 以及 布爾奇科特區 組成波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那。 1992年2月9日建立的塞族共和國擁有自己的政府、 議會 、軍隊和警察部隊,但在2005年年底时 塞族共和国军 与波黑联邦军合并,现在皆隶于国家层级的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那國防部。 在 …
Serbian War Crimes Suspect, Ratko Mladic, Is Caught - The New York Times
2011年5月26日 · Ratko Mladic, the former Bosnian Serb general held responsible for the massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995, was arrested on Thursday, signaling Serbia’s...
mow in Serbian - English-Serbian Dictionary | Glosbe
Translation of "mow" into Serbian . kositi, plast are the top translations of "mow" into Serbian. Sample translated sentence: And do you mow your lawn with it, too? ↔ A sa njom kosiš i svoju travu, zar ne?
反坦克锉刀是什么梗?Serb又是谁?详细从头到尾说一下 别用军圈黑 …
Serb全名 谢尔盖·布尔卡托夫斯基 是坦克世界的首席设计师,WOT最早就是他提出的概念并施行。因为要游戏平衡,从第一版开始不少坦克的性能都有很大的降低,比如现在的反坦克车辆的隐蔽性、后退机动性相比2013年前少说也是打对折的。
serb是谁?反坦克锉刀这个梗怎么来的 - 百度知道
serb是谢尔盖·布尔卡托夫斯基(Sergey Burkatovskiy, Сергей Буркатовский),1968年4月11日出生在克拉斯诺亚尔斯克省波尔纳扎罗夫斯科格区,在托木斯克长大,科幻作家,游戏设计师。
Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia
On 18 December 1992, the U.N. General Assembly resolution 47/121 in its preamble deemed ethnic cleansing to be a form of genocide stating: [23] [24]. Gravely concerned about the deterioration of the situation in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina owing to intensified aggressive acts by the Serbian and Montenegrin forces to acquire more territories by force, characterized by a consistent ...