SERC Reliability Corporation - Wikipedia
The SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC) is responsible for ensuring a reliable and secure electric grid across 16 southeastern and central states. The SERC region lies within the Eastern Interconnection , and includes the states of Alabama , Georgia , Mississippi , Missouri , North Carolina , South Carolina , Tennessee , and portions of ...
2017年10月3日 · reliability of the SERC Region, RCs within SERC are required to: • Produce an Operating Plan for next-day operations, which includes reliability analyses such as evaluation of potential System Operating Limits (SOLs) and Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits (IROLs), monitoring of each BA’s forecasted Contingency and Operating
Region ID NERC/ISO subregion Geographic Name* Region ID NERC/ISO subregion Geographic Name* 1 - TRE Texas Reliability Entity Texas 2 - FRCC Florida Reliability Coordinating Council Florida 14 - SRCA SERC Reliability Corporation/East Carolinas 3 - MISW Midcontinent ISO/West Upper Mississippi Valley 15 - SRSE SERC Reliability Corporation ...
SERC is divided geographically into five diverse sub-regions that are identified as Central, Delta, Gateway, Southeastern, and VACAR. Additional information can be found on the SERC website (www.serc1.org). There has been significant generation development in SERC since 1998. Much of this generation has not been contracted to serve load.
Electric Power Markets - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
It encompasses all or part of two NERC regions: the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC) and the Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (SERC). Utilities in the Southeast are vertically integrated and virtually all the physical sales in the Southeast are done bilaterally.
The SERC Region’s load is expected to grow at a rate of 0.64% on average per year for the next 10 years (20222031), which is slightly higher than the 0.50% - 10-year projection (20212030) - reported last year.
•The SERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment provides an independent assessment of the electric reliability of the SERC Region for the next ten-year period –Identifies various trends related to electric generation, demand, and risks –Evaluates the resource and transmission adequacy to meet projected peak demand
SERC is a summer peaking Assessment Area that covers approximately 308,900 square miles and serves a population estimated at 39.4 million. SERC is divided into three Assessment Areas: SERC-E, SERC-N, and SERC-SE. The SERC Region includes 11 Balancing Authorities (BAs)
Form EIA-411 Data
Starting in 2011, the data for the Coordinated Bulk Power Supply and Demand Program Report (EIA-411) are displayed for the following reliability assessment areas: FRCC, NPCC, MAPP, MISO-US, PJM, SERC aggregate, SPP, ERCOT Interconnection, and Western Interconnection aggregate (WECC).
The focus of the 2020 SERC Reliability Risk Report is to identify reliability risks within the SERC region of the North American Bulk Power System (BPS). These Risks were developed by leadership from the Engineering, Operations, and the Critical Infrastructure Protection Committees with support from SERC staff.