Serer people - Wikipedia
The Serer people are primarily found in contemporary Senegal, particularly in the west-central part of the country, running from the southern edge of Dakar to the border of The Gambia. The Serer include the various Serer peoples of which the …
Serer religion - Wikipedia
The Serer religion, or A ƭat Roog ("the way of the Divine"), is the original religious beliefs, practices, and teachings of the Serer people living in the Senegambia region in West Africa. The Serer religion believes in a universal supreme deity called Roog (or Rog).
塞雷尔人 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年11月8日 · 塞雷尔人 (法语: Sérères;英语: Serer people), 西非 民族,依人口计算是 塞内加尔 的第三大民族,占塞内加尔人口的15% [4]。 在 冈比亚 北部和 毛里塔尼亚 南部也有分布 [5]。 塞雷尔人的祖先来自塞内加尔和毛里塔尼亚边界的 塞内加尔河 河谷地区,在11世纪至12世纪南迁,15世纪至16世纪因战乱和宗教压力再度南迁 [6][7][8]。 传统上从事定居农业,精于农耕和 移牧式 畜牧 [7][9]。 塞雷尔人在历史上长期实行 母系制度,抗拒伊斯兰教传播,在19世纪起先 …
Serer history - Wikipedia
The medieval history of the Serer people of Senegambia is partly characterised by resisting Islamization from perhaps the 11th century during the Almoravid movement (which would later result in the Serers of Takrur migration to the south), [1] to the 19th century Marabout movement of Senegambia [2] [3] [4] and continuation of the old Serer ...
Serer | West African, Religion, Culture - Britannica
Serer, group of more than one million people of western Senegal and The Gambia who speak a language also called Serer, an Atlantic branch of the Niger-Congo language family. The Serer are a settled, agricultural people who grow millet, rice, …
塞雷尔人 - 百度百科
Serer People - The Brain Chamber
Explore the rich history and culture of the Serer people of Senegambia, from their ancient civilization and resistance to Islamization, to their traditional religion, social structure, and notable rulers. Discover their contributions to agriculture, warfare, and oral literature, and how they maintain their unique identity today.
塞雷尔人 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年1月20日 · 西非塞内加尔共和国的第三大民族。 又称谢列尔人。 人口约240万(2018)。 主要分布在塞内加尔,占该国人口的15.7%;另有少部分人在冈比亚和毛里塔尼亚。 属尼格罗 …
The Traditional Religious Beliefs of the Serer People of West Africa
2021年8月2日 · The Serer religion, or a ƭat Roog (“the way of the Divine”), is the original religious beliefs, practices, and teachings of the Serer people of Senegal in West Africa. The Serer people are a group of more than one million people in West Africa. They are the third-largest ethnic group in Senegal, making up 15% of the Senegalese population.
AFRICA | 101 Last Tribes - Serer people
The Serer people are a West African ethnoreligious group. They are the third largest ethnic group in Senegal making up 15% of the Senegalese population. They are also found in northern Gambia and southern Mauritania.