SESN2 - Wikipedia
Sestrin-2 also known as Hi95 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SESN2 gene. [5][6][7] This gene encodes a member of the sestrin family of PA26 -related proteins. The encoded protein may function in the regulation of cell growth and survival.
Sestrin is a key regulator of stem cell function and lifespan in ...
2020年11月23日 · Sestrin mediated reduced intestinal stem cell activity and gut cell turnover from DR, and stem cell proliferation in response to dietary amino acids, by regulating the TOR pathway and...
Sestrin的结构、功能及其作用机制研究进展 - 中国医师杂志
Sestrins在调控衰老中的作用 - 仁和软件
2018年11月12日 · 近年来,关于Sestrins信号及其分子性质的研究已有突破性发现,揭示了衰老和年龄相关退行性病变新的潜在的治疗方向。 本文就Sestrins在调控衰老中的作用研究进展进行综述。 Medical Research Center, Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University, Liaoning Key Laboratory of Research and Application of Animal Models for Environmental and Metabolic Diseases, Shenyang 110004, China.
Sestrin2: multifaceted functions, molecular basis, and its ... - Nature
2023年2月25日 · SESN2 is a stress-responsive protein with a distinct molecular structure regulating mTORC1. SESN2 is involved in multiple pathophysiological events, such as hypoxia, genotoxic stress, oxidative...
Sestrin family - the stem controlling healthy ageing - PubMed
Sestrins are a family of stress-responsive antioxidant proteins responsible for regulation of cell viability and metabolism. The best known Sestrin targets are mTORC1 and mTORC2 kinases that control different cellular processes including growth, …
Interventions of sestrin proteins: Insights to clinical therapy
2024年7月30日 · Growing evidences proved sestrin proteins exert protective functions in cardiovascular diseases, chronic degenerative osteoarthritis, musculoskeletal diseases, aging and others, sestrin proteins exhibit an anti-inflammatory response, improving metabolism and other valuable character.
Sestrin2 as a Novel Biomarker and Therapeutic Target for Various ...
Sestrin2 (SESN2), a highly conserved stress-inducible metabolic protein, is known to repress reactive oxygen species (ROS) and provide cytoprotection against various noxious stimuli including genotoxic and oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and hypoxia.
应激诱导蛋白Sestrin2研究进展 - pku.edu.cn
Sestrins是一类高度保守的应激诱导蛋白,通过多种机制保护细胞免受应激、老化等病理生理因素损伤。 Sestrin2 (Sesn2)是Sestrins蛋白亚型,缺氧、氧化应激等可诱导其表达,Sesn2参与代谢相关性和年龄相关性疾病的病理过程,也参与细胞生长和代谢的调节,与细胞功能密切相关。 细胞免疫功能 …
The functions and roles of sestrins in regulating human diseases
2022年1月3日 · Sestrins (Sesns), highly conserved stress-inducible metabolic proteins, are known to protect organisms against various noxious stimuli including DNA damage, oxidative stress, starvation, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and hypoxia.