Spec Racer Home Page
Our mission is to support Spec Racer Ford (SRF) racing cars. SRF. SRFs are engineered and produced by SCCA Enterprises. They are raced primarily in events sanctioned by the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA).
setup Archives - Virtual Racing School (VRS)
2017年7月29日 · We’ll get started with the basics that apply to any car and we’ll progress to more advanced setup topics, which are only applicable to high-end cars. We’ll start with the Skip Barber RT2000, as it is the first open-setup car for most road racers, and also a car that’s understandable and sensitive enough to observe setup differences with.
Spec Racer Ford – SCCA Enterprises
Fast, safe, and reliable, the SRF is one of the largest car groups in SCCA racing. The mainstay of SCCA Enterprises, the SRF is currently in the midst of a three year engine upgrade. The Spec Racer® Ford Gen3 was introduced in 2015 powered by a 1.6-liter 4 cylinder, 135 HP Ford engine fitted to the existing engine mounts and transmission.
Setup SRF Spec Racer Ford. EdRacing.com iRacing
- Improved the suspension modeling to account for flexibility of the suspension mounting points. This softens the resulting wheel rate of every car by 2-20% depending on the car.
SRF sight setup - Trad Gang.com
2017年1月23日 · An old trick to figure out site position , masking tape a match so you can use it as a site pin . Move it up or down to where it gets you close . You can then position the sight frame to allow the site pin to be near the spot . Mount and sight in . Buy the way , when sighting in , move the pin following the arrow .
SpecRacer Tire Setup - Spec Racer Ford Rental, CSR, Arrive
2016年1月27日 · SpecRacer Ford Hoosier Tire Setup - Updated: 1-27-2016 FRONT Tire Size: P185/60ZR-13 SRF (46340) Rim Width: 13"x 5.5" Base Settings Notes Cold tire pressure 18 to 19 psi Hot tire pressure 24 to 26 psi Track Grip / Driver feel dependent Camber -3.7 to - 4.0 Track Grip / Hot Tire PSI / Turn in rate dependent
drachtio/drachtio-srf: drachtio signaling resource framework - GitHub
Welcome to the Drachtio Signaling Resource framework (drachtio-srf), the Node.js framework for SIP Server applications. Please visit drachtio.org for getting started instructions, API …
Superconducting radio frequency - Wikipedia
Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) science and technology involves the application of electrical superconductors to radio frequency devices. The ultra-low electrical resistivity of a superconducting material allows an RF resonator to obtain an extremely high quality factor, Q.
openGauss 多维监控 - 墨天轮
2021年12月24日 · o penGauss 提供 了实现返回结果的通用 S QL 函数的实现步骤和方法,它们是 SRF_IS_FIRSTCALL 、 SRF_PERCALL_SETUP 、 SRF_RETURN_NEXT 和 SRF_RETURN_DONE。
最全面的Fluent——动坐标系及动网格-SRF、MRF、MPM、SM …
2019年9月17日 · SRF即单参考系模型,在惯性 N-S方程 上附加一个旋转角速度项,从而计算出压力和速度分布,将瞬态计算问题转化为稳态计算。 对于通常的应用,SRF方法相当于在搅拌叶片的旋转中心固结一个旋转坐标系。 在惯性参考系下,流体单元是时变运动,而相对于附加的坐标系而言,流体单元保持静止。 SRF方法最显著的特征是假定计算域内各单元具有相同的角速度。 如果所研究问题不满足该条件,则须采用其他方法或模型进行计算。 图1中,叶片尺寸较大,可以 …