Murine respirovirus - Wikipedia
Murine respirovirus, formerly Sendai virus (SeV) and previously also known as murine parainfluenza virus type 1 or hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ), is an enveloped, 150-200 …
Sendai Virus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Sendai virus is a type of virus that was first discovered in a mouse in Sendai, Japan. It causes severe respiratory infections in mice but only mild diseases in humans, making it suitable for …
Development of Sendai Virus Vectors and their Potential Applications …
In this review, we introduce characteristics of various SeV vectors, a unique RNA virus-based gene delivery/expression system and describe recent progress in the application of SeV …
Safety and immunogenicity of an intranasal sendai virus-based …
2021年2月1日 · SeVRSV is a replication-competent Sendai virus (SeV)-based vaccine carrying the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) fusion protein (F) gene. Unmanipulated, non-recombinant …
Sendai Virus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Sendai virus (SeV) belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae, is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus. SeV is pathogenic in mice and causes bronchopneumonia. Although, its zoonosis …
Dynamics of Sendai Virus Spread, Clearance, and …
We used a luciferase-expressing reporter virus to noninvasively image in mice the infection of murine respirovirus (strain Sendai virus [SeV]), the murine counterpart of HPIV1. Independent …
Sendai Virus Targets Inflammatory Responses, as Well as the …
Sendai virus (SeV) infection of human embryonic kidney 293 cells induces the expression of the CXC chemokine RANTES in an IRF-3- and NF-κB-dependent manner (23, 41). NF-κB, like …
Sendai Virus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Sendai virus (SeV), a member of the Paramyxoviridae family, is an enveloped, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA virus capable of replicating within the host cell cytoplasm …
Sendai virus for gene therapy and vaccination - PubMed
Data on the use of SeV for gene therapy and vaccination since January 2004 are reviewed and recent improvements in SeV vectorology are discussed. Sendai virus (SeV), also known as …
Sendai Virus Fact Sheet – Stanford Environmental Health & Safety
Sendai virus, or murine parainfluenza virus type 1, is an enveloped,150-200nm in diameter, single strand, negative-sense RNA virus that is part of the Paramyxoviridae family. It typically infects …