Sextans A - Wikipedia
Sextans A (also known as UGCA 205) is a small dwarf irregular galaxy. It spans about 5000 light-years across, and is located at 4.3 million light-years away, in the outskirts of the Local Group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way galaxy, and to which Sextans A may or may not belong.
APOD: November 3, 1998 - Sextans A: A Seemingly Square Galaxy
A small dwarf irregular galaxy spanning 5 thousand light years across, Sextans A is located only 5 million light-years away. Named for its home constellation of Sextans, the "diamond in the rough" structure relates to an ancient unknown event. 100 million years ago, something mysterious started a new wave of star formation in Sextans A's center.
Sextans A - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sextans A (also known as UGCA 205) is a small dwarf irregular galaxy located 4.3 million light-years away, It is located in the Local Group where the Milky Way is located in. It is known by other names, such as DDO 75 or the PGC 29653. Sextans A has a square shape.
《NATURE》发表南京大学施勇教授团队最新研究成果“化石”星系 …
施勇教授团队在对Sextans A和ESO146-G14两个临近地球的恒星星系进行观测时(前者距离地球大约5百万光年,后者距离地球大约7千万光年,金属元素含量各自只有我们银河系重元素含量的7%和9%),发现其恒星的形成效率远低于类银河系星系里的恒星形成效率,大约低 ...
The Cosmic Jewels of Sextans A - NOIRLab
This glittering image captured by the Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, a Program of NSF NOIRLab, shows the irregular dwarf galaxy Sextans A, which lies around 4.4 million light-years from Earth. This galaxy, which is only a fraction of the size of the Milky Way, has been contorted by successive waves of ...
TRAPUM pulsar and transient search in the Sextans A and B …
2024年10月8日 · The TRAPUM (TRansients And PUlsars with MeerKAT) collaboration has performed a radio-domain search for pulsars and transients in the dwarf star-forming galaxies Sextans A and B, situated at the edge of the Local Group 1.4 Mpc away. We conducted three 2-h multibeam observations at L band (856–1712 MHz) with the full array of MeerKAT.
Sextans A (DDO 75) is a dwarf irregular galaxy that lies in a small group of galaxies including NGC 3109, Sextans B, and the Antlia dwarf galaxy at a distance of
Sextans A - SpringerLink
Part of the book series: Astrophysics and Space Science Library ( (ASSL,volume 221)) These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.
APOD: December 18, 1999 - Irregular Galaxy Sextans A
But small irregular galaxies form stars too, like this lovely, gumdrop-shaped galaxy, Sextans A. A member of the local group of galaxies which includes the massive spirals Andromeda and our own Milky Way, Sextans A is about 10 million light years distant. The bright Milky Way foreground stars appear yellowish in this view.
Sextans A
Image of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Sextans A, as observed with the KPNO Mayall 4-m telescope and Mosaic camera as part of the NOAO-sponsored Local Group Survey headed by Philip Massey of Lowell Observatory. The image is a true-color combination of images in three of the filters used by the survey. More information on this image (NOAO)