KEEP THIS FORM and TAKE IT WITH YOU if you file a UCFE/UI claim for unemployed Federal workers provided by Federal law (U.S. CODE, Title 5, Chapter 85). For more information about UCFE/UI, read the REVERSE SIDE of this form. 1. WHO …
Standard Forms - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Browse the listing below to download your choice of form (s). On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional.
In the event of a Federal government shutdown, Federal employees may be eligible for UCFE. The UCFE program is administered by state unemployment insurance (UI) agencies acting as …
SF-8 Unemployment Compensation Form - Department of …
2013年10月10日 · This form has been given to you because (1) you have been separated from your job, or (2) you were placed in a nonpay status, or (3) your records have been transferred to a different payroll office.
Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Insurance
2017年8月17日 · Featured Topics. Per diem rates look-up Allowances for lodging, meal and incidental costs while on official government travel.; Mileage reimbursement rates Reimbursement rates for the use of your own vehicle while on official government travel.
Standard Form-8 (SF-8) | Department of Labor
Standard Form-8 (SF-8) File. SF-8 Federal Form.pdf (298.99 KB) File Format. PDF. Michael Harrington, Commissioner Kendal Smith, Deputy Commissioner. Vermont Department of Labor 5 Green Mountain Drive P.O. Box 488 Montpelier, 05601-0488 (802) 828-4000. Department Directory. About Us. Commissioner's Office;
KEEP THIS FORM and TAKE IT WITH YOU if you file a UCFE/UI claim for unemployed Federal workers provided by Federal law (U.S. CODE, Title 5, Chapter 85). For more information about UCFE/UI, read the REVERSE SIDE of this form. 1. WHO …
Unemployment insurance When (UI) unemployed, for Federal Federal workers. workers may be entitled to similar to those of workers in private industry. If you become unemployed A CLAIM, go to the nearest LOCAL PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE of the SECURITY AGENCY to register for work and file your claim for UI.
- [PDF]
To help EXPEDITE your claim, take THIS FORM with you, your SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT NUMBER CARO, the OFFICIAL NOTICE of your most recent employed by a Federal agency. SEPARATION or of your present NONPAY status (Standard Form 50 if available), EARNINGS and LEAVE statements, or similar documents that indicate you were employed by a Federal …
KEEP THIS FORM and TAKE IT WITH YOU if you file a UCFE/UI claim for unemployed Federal workers provided by Federal law (U.S. CODE, Title 5, Chapter 85). For more information about UCFE/UI, read the REVERSE SIDE of this form. 1. WHO …