Publications - SFSA
Most SFSA publications are only available to members; those publications are available on the SFSA Wiki. There are a number of free SFSA publications available to members and non-members alike which can be downloaded from this site, and there are also SFSA publications which are available for purchase.
SFSA - Steel Founders’ Society of America
The SFSA is dedicated to the progression of the steel foundry industry and is a strong advocate on the importance of our industry's role to advanced manufacturing. Dedicated to the advancement of the steel casting industry through manufacturing and design R&D, customer education, specifications development, and 120 years of operating and ...
Supplement 2 Summary of Standard Specifications For Steel Castings - 2017 PREFACE Supplement 2 will be revised at regular intervals. Supplement 2 is only a summary that is useful in comparing the general requirements in different types of specifications. When ordering, an up-to-date original specification should be used. CONTENTS
Steel Casting Construction Consortium - SFSA
2,401kB Steel Castings in Architecture - Presented at NASCC 2017: 2015 NASCC Casting the Future.pdf 7,682kB ... SFSA-AISC-ChicagoV4.ppt 2,210kB Presentation given December 19, 2003 Chicago, Illinois: Bush Lane House.pdf 1,206kB Unique office building "hangs" from cast stainless steel lattice:
LS_DYNA接触定义中soft选项的使用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
当soft=2时,接触算法为基于segment的接触算法,该方法基于实际的时间步长来计算接触刚度,此时在d3hsp文件中的报告的接触步长是无意义的。 模型当中的初始穿透在计算过程中会被保留,并以此作为基线来探测额外的穿透并以额外穿透量为基准计算接触力。
SFSA has created 2 6 training course webinars covering information such as what steel actually is, the latest research into design and production of steel castings, design of experiments for measurement and control of manufacturing and other processes and factors, improving the qual ity
SFSA reports and other publications - Steel Casting Wiki
2024年12月4日 · Time-Temperature Transformation Curves (S-Curves) for Use in the Heat Treatment of Cast Steels. Final Report Project No. 6, Part I. August 1944 (1.02 MB) SFSA Research Report 2. The Determination of the Relation Of Impact Strength to the Hardness, Ductility and Strength of Cast Steels at Normal and Low Temperatures. October, 1944 (757 KB)
A useful resource for purchasers considering steel castings is a free publication from SFSA, Handbook Supplement 2- Summary of Standard Specifications for Steel Castings.
improved dimensional tolerances for steel castings have been developed by the SFSA. These SFSA 2000 steel casting dimensional tolerances should be used instead of the specific steel casting tolerance recommendation contained within ISO-8062-1994 for steel castings.
Steel Founders Society of America Inc. - sfsa.site-ym.com
On behalf of the SFSA National Technical & Operating Conference committee, I am pleased to announce the 2024 T&O program. Supported by steel foundry members that make up the Society, the T&O conference is the premiere steel casting event in the world.