SFTPC Gene - GeneCards | PSPC Protein | PSPC Antibody
2024年12月25日 · SFTPC (Surfactant Protein C) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with SFTPC include Surfactant Metabolism Dysfunction, Pulmonary, 2 and Chronic Respiratory Distress With Surfactant Metabolism Deficiency. Among its related pathways are Defective CSF2RB causes SMDP5 and Surfactant metabolism.
Surfactant protein C - Wikipedia
Surfactant protein C (SP-C), is one of the pulmonary surfactant proteins. In humans this is encoded by the SFTPC gene. [5][6][7] It is a membrane protein. SFTPC is a 197-residue protein made up of two halves: a unique N-terminal propeptide domain …
表面活性蛋白 C(SFTPC)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
肺表面活性物质是一种表面活性脂蛋白复合物,由 90% 的脂质和 10% 的蛋白质组成,其中包括血浆蛋白和载脂蛋白 SPA、SPB、SPC 和 SPD。 表面活性剂由肺泡细胞分泌,通过降低覆盖肺部的液体的表面张力来维持肺组织的稳定性。 已确定该基因的多个突变会导致 2 型肺表面活性物质代谢功能障碍,也称为由于表面活性蛋白 C 缺乏引起的肺泡蛋白沉积症,并且与较大婴儿、儿童和成人的间质性肺病有关。 已经鉴定出编码不同蛋白质亚型的可变剪接转录本变体。 [RefSeq 提 …
Nature背靠背 | 肺类器官与人肺干祖细胞新谱系 - 知乎
在气道培养基中,iRAS可以维持SCGB3A2的表达,当转入肺泡培养基时,SCGB3A2表达迅速下调,参与AT2细胞成熟的SFTPC启动表达。 如果把AT2重新转移到气道培养基中,并未激活SCGB3A2表达,说明这是一个单向分化的过程。 为了确定RAS-AT2轴是否在COPD中被破坏,该团队对一组接受肺移植的COPD患者的外周肺组织进行了 scRNA-seq分析,在COPD肺中存在两个未出现在正常供体数据集中的AT2细胞簇,其中一个高表达SCGB3A2。 对一组在过去一年内 …
SFTPC antibody (10774-1-AP) | Proteintech - ptglab
SFTPC (surfactant protein C), also named as SFTP2, SP5 and SP-C, is a pulmonary surfactant associated proteins promote alveolar stability by lowering the surface tension at the air-liquid interface in the peripheral air spaces. Defects in SFTPC are the cause of pulmonary surfactant metabolism dysfunction type 2 (SMDP2).
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Sftpc surfactant associated protein C [ (house mouse)]
2025年2月11日 · CRISPR Sftpc gene editing successfully treats lethal monogenic lung disease in utero in a mouse model. Yap and Taz (Wwtr1) have roles in surfactant protein C-expressing (SPC-expressing) alveolar epithelial type II cells during alveolar epithelial regeneration and resolution of lung inflammation in response to bacterial pneumonia-induced lung injury
SFTPC surfactant protein C - NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR)
2024年12月10日 · Multiple mutations in this gene have been identified, which cause pulmonary surfactant metabolism dysfunction type 2, also called pulmonary alveolar proteinosis due to surfactant protein C deficiency, and are associated with interstitial lung disease in older infants, children, and adults.
肺表面活性物质 - 百度百科
SP-C是一种分子量为4kD小嵌膜蛋白质,能跨越 磷脂双分子层。 SP-C基因(SFTPC)位于染色体8p21,含有6个exon,exon 2编码成熟SP-C肽,翻译终止密码子TAG位于exon 5,exon 6不被翻译。 21kd SP-C前体蛋白(precursor protein,proSP-C)经蛋白水解、最后在LB加工成35个氨基酸残基的成熟SP-C肽。 SP-C被嵌入磷脂双分子层、对气液界面PS单分子层的形成和维护起着重要作用;也促进Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞摄取磷脂和分解代谢和参与激活 肺泡巨噬细胞 …
SFTPC- 信号通路|蛋白抗体-华美生物
SFTPC基因rs8192308多态性与新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征发病的相关 …
针对sftpc基因共检测到28个变异位点,其中25个为单核苷酸多态性(snp)位点,3个为意义不明变异,均位于5′utr的c.-1614c>a、c.-1504g>a和c.-368a>g。其中c.-368a>g仅在2例病例组中检测到杂合变异,在对照组中未检测到;c.-1614c>a仅在1例病例组中检测到杂合变异,在对照组中 ...