New Product: SpeedFactory Racing FWD B-Series Billet Shift Forks
2024年11月27日 · With SpeedFactory Racing Billet Shift Forks, you can count on enhanced performance, durability, and reliability for your B-Series FWD transmission. Why Upgrade to SpeedFactory Racing Billet Shift Forks? 1. Racing-Tested Durability. SpeedFactory Racing Billet Steel Shift Forks are built for serious racers.
请教下两个斯贝鬼请有啥区别FGR.2/FG.1 - 百度贴吧
SFWD 1300hp engine build - Honda / Acura K20a K24a Engine …
2014年3月23日 · I wanted to share this engine build for a good customer of ours, for his SFWD class race car. This engine will use a 5500cc Kinsler plenum intake manifold, Precision billet 72 turbo, and a Motec M130 ECU
防火阀执行器标准代号及使用说明 - 百度文库
f 新国标名称:SFWDCK 功能:1、手动开启手动关闭代号S;2、五档风量调节代号 F;3、温感器控制自动关闭代号W;4、电控电磁铁关闭功能代号DC; 5、阀门关Leabharlann Baidu信号输出代号K。 用途:防火阀或防火调节阀:排烟防火阀 二、原名称:SD 新国标名称:SWDCK 功能:1、手动开启手动关闭代号S;2、温感器自动关闭代号 W;3、电磁铁电动打开或关闭代号DC;4、阀门动作输出信号代号 K。 用途:防火阀或排烟阀、多叶风口、正压送风口 三、原名称:SFW …
Port and Polish head or not - Honda / Acura K20a K24a Engine …
2012年8月16日 · go through this thread and read the different combos that made the numbers you are looking for. the difference between you reaching 700whp will not be dependent on whether you port or don't port. it will be the combo of parts that you use, as well as, what you want to rev to and what your power under the curve is at.
Drag Cartel Industries | @_johnhall8 is representing ... - Instagram
1,675 likes, 7 comments - drag_cartel on December 1, 2023: "@_johnhall8 is representing for the 8th gen guys with his 1200 hp FG2 in todays #featurecartelfriday. The SFWD K20 is equipped with a 72mm turbo, @drag_cartel chain guides and block offs along with a @pfitznerperformancegearbox ¼ dogbox kit.
Not All Clutches Are Created Equal – IPGparts
This is also a fabulous clutch option for your turbo B or K series street car. Will work in turbo applications up to about 700hp. It brings a softer pedal feel but still loads of torque capabilities. - 910 ft/lb torque capacity Tilton Twin Disc B and K Series Clutch Kit for big turbo power (SFWD / True Street) applications.
SFVD(621)防火阀执行器 SFWD执行器主要功能 - 化工仪器网
sfvd(621)防火阀执行器 sfwd执行器主要功能. sfvd(621)防火阀执行器 sfwd执行器主要功能. sfwd执行器主要功能: 1. 用于排烟防火调节阀上. 2. 手动关闭,手动复位. 3.dc24v 自动关闭阀门. 4.70 度温感器动作阀门关闭. 5. 输出阀门动作信号及动作连锁信号. 6.
SFWD防火阀执行器 双虎 - 11467
排烟防火阀二次动作机构产品简介用途:安装在排烟防火阀/多叶送风口/正压送风口/多叶排烟口上。 功能:手动或电信号打开阀门排烟,温度上升到280℃时重新关闭。 主要技术数据:控制电压dc24v,微动开关接点容量ac380v0.5a,温感器280℃。 主轴孔径φ12mm,主轴高度6㎜。 重量:1.2㎏。 1---手动或dc24v电信号开启阀门2---280℃熔断器动作自动重新关闭阀门并可输出熔断器动作电信号,具有二次动作功能;3---可手动复位,dc24v电信号自动复位,输出电信号;4--- …
SFWD防火阀执行器SFVD防火阀执行机构阀门控制器 - 1688.com
靖江市恒逸空调设备厂 (原靖江市园山空调控制设备厂)是一家专业生产防火排烟阀、风阀执行机构、风口、排烟防火阀、减震器的生产型企业。 公司位于江苏省靖江市“空调之乡”——孤山镇,紧靠京沪高速,交通方便快捷。 公司生产的电动执行机构、手动电动执行机构、621、SD、小型SD、远距离控制执行机构、百叶风口、旋流风口、球形喷口等热销全国。 欢迎新老客户光顾采购! 内容声明:阿里巴巴中国站为第三方交易平台及互联网信息服务提供者,阿里巴巴中国站( …