SG2525 - Voltage Mode PWM - STMicroelectronics
The SG3525A series of pulse width modulator integrated circuits are designed to offer improved performance and lowered external parts count when used in designing all types of switching power supplies.
SG2525 - 电压模式PWM - 意法半导体STMicroelectronics
The SG3525A series of pulse width modulator integrated circuits are designed to offer improved performance and lowered external parts count when used in designing all types of switching …
DUAL SOURCE/SINK OUTPUT DRIVERS DESCRIPTION The SG3525A series of pulse width modulator inte- grated circuits are designed to offer improved per- formance and lowered external parts count when used in designing all types of switching power sup- plies.
SG2525AP013TR_ST(意法半导体)_SG2525AP013TR中文资料_PDF …
SG2525AP_ST (意法半导体)_SG2525AP中文资料_PDF手册_价格
SG2525 Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: REGULATING PULSE WIDTH MODULATORS. 16 Results. Datasheet: 135Kb/7P. Manufacturer: Microsemi Corporation.
SG3525/SG2525 控制芯片的输出级为大功率图腾柱式输出,其源电流和吸电流超过150mA, 其给出逻辑电平为“ 或非” 逻辑,“ 断” 状态时为低电平。 注: 极限参数是指无论在任何条件下都不能超过的极限值。 万一超过此极限值, 将有可能造成产品劣化等物理性损伤;同时在接近极限参数下, 不能保证芯片可以正常工作。 华冠半导体保留未经通知更改所提供的产品和服务。 客户在订货前应获取最新的相关信息, 并核实这些信息是否最新且完整的。 华冠半导体对篡改过的文件不承担任何 …
SG2525AP引脚图及功能_参数_PWM控制器芯片中文资料_ST …
SG2525AP ST Microelectronics PWM控制器芯片中文资料PDF, 共(12)页, SG2525AP数据手册有芯片封装SOIC-16引脚图及功能定义和参数资料, STMICROELECTRONICS SG2525AP 控制器, PWM, 35V-8V电源, 500 kHz, 500mA输出, NSOIC-16。
The SG1525A/1527A series of pulse width modulator integrated circuits are designed to offer improved performance and lower external parts count when used to implement all types of switching power supplies.
SG2525A | Microchip Technology
The SG1525A/1527A series of pulse width modulator integrated circuit s are designed to offer improved performance and lower external parts count when used to implement all types of switching power supplies.