GitHub - Stephane-D/SGDK: SGDK - A free and open …
SGDK is a free development kit allowing development of software in C language for the Sega Mega Drive. It contains the development library itself (with the code sources) and some custom tools used to compile resources. SGDK uses the GCC compiler (m68k-elf target) and the libgcc to generate a ROM image.
Releases · Stephane-D/SGDK - GitHub
2024年1月31日 · SGDK - A free and open development kit for the Sega Mega Drive - Stephane-D/SGDK
用SGDK开发世嘉MD游戏:入门篇 - 桑二鸽 - 博客园
2023年1月13日 · 这里我只给出了 64位 jre 下载地址,想要 jdk 的可以自己到 java 官网下载。 【SGDK_PATH】指的是刚才解压的SGDK压缩包的位置。 大体意思就是 java 命令没找到,因为我是在 vscode 中编译的,我刚刚安装了 java,vscode 中的终端还没识别到我刚安装的 java,如果我关闭 vscode 再重新打开 vscode 就不会出现这个报错了,大家用的 win+r 打开的 cmd 终端应该不会出现报错的。 然后把 %SGDK% 填进去,两边的%不要忘记,然后一路点确定确定确定就 …
SGDK 1.90 download | SourceForge.net
2024年1月31日 · SGDK is a free development kit allowing the development of software in C language for the Sega Mega Drive. It contains the development library itself (with the code sources) and some custom tools used to compile resources. SGDK uses the GCC compiler (m68k-elf target) and the libgcc to generate a ROM image.
世嘉MD游戏开发【一】:win10环境下配置SGDK - CSDN博客
2022年3月29日 · SGDK是一个小巧的开源免费的世嘉MD(Genesis或者MegaDrive)游戏开发包,用这个开发包你可以用C语言快速的制作MD游戏而不用去学晦涩难懂的汇编语言。
Making a SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis game in 2019 - Game …
2019年10月19日 · But once again, the main gift that modernity brings to the table is called SGDK. Put your game on a SD cart, insert it into a Mega Everdrive, and you can test it on real hardware! Indeed, among all the other features, SGDK also comes with a powerful "Sprite Engine" that will make your life simpler. It’s a set of functions to handle sprites ...
Megapong 1 - Hello Mega Drive World! - Ohsat
2019年8月31日 · Setting up SGDK. Before you set up SGDK itself, you need to install Java if you haven’t already. The latest versions of SGDK use Java to compile resources, which lets it do some pretty powerful and cool stuff. Once you have Java installed, it’s time to install SGDK. You can download the latest version here.
SGDK是一个小巧的开源免费的世嘉MD(Genesis或者MegaDrive)游戏开发包,用这个开发包你可以用C语言快速的制作MD游戏而不用去学晦涩难懂的汇编语言。 【一】 下载SGDK开发包:
sgdk · GitHub Topics · GitHub
2 天之前 · A very basic one-player ponglike for Mega Drive, developed in SGDK. Meant as a template from which to learn. Pseudo 3D road example in C (mostly) for Sega Genesis using SGDK. A curated list of Sega Genesis / Mega Drive development resources such as tools, docs, emulators, related projects and open-source ROMs. Some example code for SGDK.
Tuto Introduction - Stephane-D/SGDK GitHub Wiki
2021年3月12日 · These basic tutorials aim to give you the basis to start developing on the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive using SGDK, they will help you understanding how SGDK work and how to use it efficiently but they do not aim to learn you C language programming nor to explain you how the Sega Mega Drive works internally so take attention to the disclaimer.