command line - How do I run .sh scripts? - Ask Ubuntu
2011年5月1日 · Run bash <filename>.sh. This also works with .run files. There is an example of this usage at this webpage on updating Rhythmbox. Option 2. In the terminal, navigate to the directory the bash file is in. Run chmod +x <filename>.sh. In Nautilus, open the file.
difference between sh config and sh run config
2007年11月12日 · Hi the show run is the running config that is the simple part, as the other post said the show config it the startup-config for when the unit reboots or starts up. When you make config changes that result with bad problems and long as you didn't do a wr mem or copy runing-config startup-config you can reboot the unit and recover.
executable - How to execute a .sh file? - Ask Ubuntu
@BriceFouthe A #!/bin/bash hashbang line causes it to be run by bash when invoked as ./your_file.sh (or /path/to/your_file.sh). But sh your_file.sh runs it with sh (which on Ubuntu is a different shell from bash; sh is dash). I recommend editing this answer to clarify what shell you're recommending attempting to run the script with (or what the ...
What is the difference between ./ and sh to run a script?
For example this would look like the process 'sh' with the argument 'filename.sh'. The sh interpreter is opening the file. On the other hand if you run the script itself, the system calls out to the interpreter program specified and feeds in the scripts contents. In this case the process looks like 'filename.sh' with no arguments.
#sh run all cmd or the #sh run cmd. - Cisco Community
2023年8月3日 · I then configured a static IP ( on the laptop and int vlan 1 ( on the switch. I was able to ping my tftp server now. I successfully copied a 100kb config on the cat 4500 using the (switch#copy tftp: running-config) cmd. I used putty to copy sh run and sh run all notepads.
executable - How to run .sh file - Ask Ubuntu
2017年4月16日 · If it still won't work, despite having allow executing file as a program ticked, when you double click on the .sh file, and it launches gedit, navigate to the folder with the script. Once you are in the correct current folder for the script, you can run the script like this: sudo ./filename.sh If that doesn't work you may try. sudo bash filename.sh
Difference between Sh interface and sh run intface
2019年3月1日 · HI, When I am checking sh run int gi0/0 duplex is auto, but when checked in sh int gi0/0 duplex is full. Please let me know what is the meaning. #sh run int Gi0/0 Building configuration... Current configuration : 243 bytes ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0 ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly in d...
How to run a shell script in background? - Ask Ubuntu
2012年6月24日 · script.sh & command & If you are running it in a terminal, and you want to then close the terminal, use nohup or disown. nohup. nohup script.sh & disown. script & disown If that is not what you are after, please be more specific in your question.
How to make a file (e.g. a .sh script) executable, so it can be run ...
2019年8月15日 · Lastly we run the script by calling bash and passing it the script name. The bash command is actually store as /bin/bash and it is an executable on all Ubuntu systems. Creating a file of commands saves you from adding the shebang #!/bin/bash as the first line in a script.
Check specific part of config with show run command
2009年7月3日 · Naveed Khan, Cybernet, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.. Check Specific Part of Config with "show run" Command. If you are getting information from your running configuration by entering the command "show run" and if you want to check the specific part of configuration during the running configuration output, just enter the forward slash "/" …