SH2 124 Nebula (Theodore Arampatzoglou) - AstroBin
The SH2-124 is an emission nebula located in the constellation of Cygnus, a not popular imaging target, very dim in OIII and SII emissions and in a rich starfield, so it was a challenge to process!
Sh2-124 and 2 dim little PNs in Cygnus - Cloudy Nights
2021年8月9日 · Sh2-124 is a quite dim emission nebula in Cygnus. It is imaged not so often which make me wonder why because there are intersting Ha and OIII structures and dark nebulae to …
Sh2-124, LBN 421, 423, 426 - Cygnus - jthommes.com
Sh2-124, LBN 421, 423, 426 - Cygnus CLICK ON IMAGE FOR FULL SIZE VIEW (8020x5360) Scope: FSQ-106N at f/5, Location: DAA Observatory, Shelter Valley, CA; Dates: 15 …
Sh2-124 (Timothy Martin) - AstroBin
Not often shot, Sh2-124 in Cygnus is a cute little emission nebula. Since I have three remote scopes in New Mexico, I'm shooting only narrowband at home and cranking out a ton of …
Sh2-124 emission nebula in Cygnus (Herwig Peresson) - AstroBin
2023年1月7日 · Sharpless Sh2-124 emission nebula lies embedded within distributed Ha and [OIII] nebulosity in the north-eastern part of Cygnus. It resembles a bit the Cocoon nebula …
Astro Anarchy: Sharpless 124 (Sh2-124) - Blogger
2020年11月3日 · Sh2-124 is an emission nebula in northern Cygnus at about 8.500 light years away. It doesn’t seem to be imaged very often, and I was not able to find much additional …
Sh2-124 - Caprile Observatory
2022年2月10日 · Sh2-124 emission nebula in narrowband. Caprile Astronomical Observatory, Astrophotography. Galaxy | Nebulae | Deep Sky Objects
Sh2-124 Emission Nebula (Colour) - Astrodoc: …
2015年10月1日 · Sh2-124 is an emission nebula in northern Cygnus. Imaged by Canadian astrophotographer Ron Brecher from Guelph, Ontario.
Sh2-124 Emission Nebula (H-alpha) - Astrodoc: Astrophotography …
2015年6月3日 · I use a deep red H-alpha filter when I image red objects, especially emission nebulae like Sh2-124. This filter lets through a very narrow range of wavelengths of red light. I …
SH2-124 | The Almost Nothing Nebula — AAPOD2.COM
2021年1月21日 · I call this the "Almost Nothing" Nebula because every reference I ran across states that there is "Almost Nothing" written about SH2-124. Almost Nothing is located in …