Sh2-134, Sh2-135, Sh2-138 and Sh2-139 - AstroBin
2024年2月23日 · All of these nebulae feature brightly outlined dramatic clouds. I have previously imaged several of these objects with my longer (and slower) focal length systems (Sh2-135 …
Sh2-135 - Eddies and Turbulence in a Cepheus Molecular Cloud
In order to attract hydrogen molecules to one another, there must be a large (relatively ginourmous) and dense object to collect hydrogen via gravitation, setting up a chicken vs egg …
Sh2-135 - Telescope Live
It is an H II region bound to a dark nebula of interstellar dust, showing a pronounced and expanding ionization front; A model that can explain the situation well is the so-called blister …
Fire and Ice in Cepheus: Widefield Sh2-134 and Sh2-135 in
Located between the popular „Wizard Nebula“ and „Elephant's Trunk Nebula“, this area is often overlooked and rarely photographed, though it has to offer a lot of faint, but spectacular …
Sh2-134 and Sh2-135 Wide Field - Astrodoc: Astrophotography by Ron Brecher
2017年10月9日 · Sh2-134 and Sh2-135 — Wide Field. Click image for full size version. October 9, 2017. This wide field Lies in Cepheus, approximately midway between the Bubble Nebula and …
Sh2-135 - Astrodoc: Astrophotography by Ron Brecher
2022年9月5日 · Sh2-135 is the largest and brightest nebula in this field, which lies in Cepheus, approximately midway between the Bubble Nebula and IC1396. I have shot this region before …
Sh2-135 (Diffused Nebula in Cepheus) - stellarscenes.net
A small diffused nebula about 1.5 degrees east of ζ-Cep. is Sh2-135. The nebula has a span of about 8 arc minutes or so, you can see a tiny cut of dark lane in northern region. The distance …
Sh 2-135(散光星雲・ケフェウス座) - orio.blog
2017年1月23日 · 視野角:84′ x 54’↑N Sh 2-135(散光星雲), 光度:---mag, 直径:15', 分類:E…
SH2-135 (Sharpless 135)
SH2-135 (Sharpless 135) This northern Shapless is a nice object for any size telescope because there is a good amount of nebula in the area for the wider field of view. This nebula also has …
Close up of SH2-135 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2021年2月21日 · SH2-135 is a fairly obscure emission nebula in Cepheus. There is only one full page in Astrobin with this object and most of the images are showing it in wide fields, together …