Sh2-154 - AstroBin
Sh2-154 is 1.4 degrees south of the Cave Nebula (Sh2-155), the bottom part of which can be seen at the top of this image. This HII emission nebula, also known as LBN 521 and LBN 108.96+01.70, is loca...
SH2-154 & 155 Ha Filtered - bf-astro.com
The bright area just above the bottom of the frame is the lesser often imaged HII region, Sh2-154. At the bottom, just left of center, is the open cluster NGC 7419.
SH2-154 + SH2-155 - AstroBin
This image has been several days in the making. Total integration time is from three nights of exposures. Leading up to this image, I had been so impressed with StarXterminator and NoiseXterminator at...
The Cave Nebula Sh2-155 and neighbouring Sh2-154
2022年3月17日 · The Cave Nbula (Sh2-155) is well known but its slightly less spectacular neighbour in the Sharpess catalogue - Sh2-154 is not that often imaged. Clearly the whole area is full of Ha emitting dust as well as dark nebulosity (so several of the entres in Lynds' dark nebula catalogue) and then that n...
Sh2 154 (Jerry Yesavage) - AstroBin
Sh 2-154 is associated with a giant molecular cloud that appears to contain 700 solar masses of carbon monoxide and perhaps 10 thousand solar masses in total (viral mass).
洞窟星雲と魔法使い星雲に挟まれたHⅡ領域、Sh2-154星雲 – 星 …
2023年11月13日 · sh2-154 は「ケフェウス座」の散光星雲(lbn521)です。 星雲までの推定距離は 3260光年 です。 この星雲を電離(イオン化)させている起源はスペクトルクラスB0IIIの青色巨星です。
Sh2-150 and VdB 154 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy …
2025年2月22日 · Sh2-150 and VdB 154 - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Sh2-150 is a faint emission nebula about 2,900 light-years away in the constellation Cepheus. Along side is VdB154, a blue reflection nebula with an unkown exact distance. Just above Sh2-150 in the image is a small fan-shaped RN nebula RNO142.
SH2-154 (Sharpless 154)
SH2-154 (Sharpless 154) This sharpless object is very large and nice for wide field systems. However there are parts of the nebula that work very well with larger telescopes. The nebula complex works very well with the hydrogen-alpha filter and ok with the standard RGB color filters.
Sh2-154 - greggsastronomy.com
0bject: Sh2-154 Emission nebula in Cepheus: Date: September 15-19, 2016: Exposure: HαRGB 420:30:30:30 (8.5 hours) Camera: STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters
Sh2-154 - Wikipedia
Si tratta di una regione H II di discreta estensione, situata alla distanza di circa 1000 parsec (circa 3260 anni luce), [2] nella medesima area del Braccio di Orione in cui si trovano le associazioni stellari Cepheus OB2 e Cepheus OB3. Secondo Avedisova, la responsabile della sua ionizzazione sarebbe una gigante blu di classe spettrale B0III. [4]