The Phantom of the Opera Nebula, Sh2-173 - Sky & Telescope
2022年4月3日 · Sh2-173 is an emission nebula lying 8,800 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is part of the Perseus arm of our Milky Way Galaxy. Its shape and dark dust clouds bear a resemblance to the mask worn by the Phantom of the Opera in the Broadway musical or the film starring Lon Chaney.
The Phantom of the Opera Nebula - Sky & Telescope
2024年7月22日 · Sh2-173 is an extremely faint emission nebula rich in ionized Hydrogen with a diameter of 77 light-years, lying 8800 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is part of the Perseus arm of our Milky Way Galaxy.
Sh2-173 - Phantom of the Opera Nebula - AstroBin
Sh2-173 is more than a tribute to the mask worn by the Phantom of the Opera in the Broadway Musical. Claude Rains (1943) and Lon Chaney (1925) played the iconic character in the movie adaptation of th...
SH2-173 (The Phantom of The Opera Nebula) (Randal Healey ... - AstroBin
SH2-173 is about 3 degrees north of Caph (β-Cas, mag 2,27) and was estimated to be about 600,000 to 1,000,000 years old. The emission nebula contains 7 bright CAS-OB5 stars and is primarily ionized by the only O-star BD+6039.
Sh2-173 - Stellar Scenes
撮影メモ: カシオペヤ座β星の北東に約3度のところに位置する淡い散光星雲です。 差し渡しは25分ほどあり,西側のループが比較的濃いことがわかります。 秋の天の川の中に潜む星間ガスのひとつですが,あまり注目されることはありません。 距離は約8800光年と見積もられています。 Sh2-173の約1度南西に,大きさ約1分の小形の散光星雲Sh2-172が位置します。 御意見,御感想をお聞かせください。 →メールはこちらまで・・・ Copyright (c) 2022 by Naoyuki …
Sh 2-173(散光星雲・カシオペア座) - orio.blog
2022年7月19日 · Sh 2-173は、星雲の中心にある散開星団 Mayer 1中のO9〜B1の複数の恒星によって電離させられている明るいHII領域です。 星雲の電離に最も寄与しているであろう恒星は高温の O9 V 星 BD +60 39と推測されます。
Sh2-173 - Stellar Scenes
Sh2-173 is a very dimmed emission nebula at about 3 degrees northeast from β Cas. The nebula has an apparent span of about 25 arc minutes, you can detect a western loop looks comparatively striking. It's one of inter-stellar gaseous matters distributed in autumnal Milky Way, but this object can hardly be paid attentions among astro-photographers.
SH2-173 - AstroKin
Sh2-173 (also known as Mayer 1) is an emission nebula in the constellation of Cassiopeia. The red nebulosity is so faint that even an extended exposure through standard filters does not reveal it, but a hydrogen alpha filter will bring it out.
Sh2-173 - astral-imaging.com
Sh2-173 is an emission nebula visible in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It identifies about 3 ° to the NNE brilliant β Cassiopeiae (Caph), the star that represents the westernmost part of the "W" of Cassiopeia, and is located just southwest of the 12 Cassiopeiae, a …
Sh2-173 - 8 hours on the Phantom of the Opera Nebula
2022年9月29日 · Sh2-173 - 8 hours on the Phantom of the Opera Nebula - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Well, technically only 7 hours and 57 minutes but who’s counting. C & C welcome as always.