SH2-188 - The Shrimp Nebula (HOO) - AstroBin
Sh2-188 (sometimes nicknamed the "Shrimp" - or Firefox - Nebula, because of its shape) is a planetary nebula in the constellation Cassiopeiae. Although included in the Sharpless catalog, …
Sharpless 2-188 (Sh2-188) - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · The image is of Sharpless 2-188 (Sh2-188), an unusual planetary nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia. The expanding gas from the planetary nebula is …
Sh2-188 - The Shrimp Nebula - AstroBin
Image of the Shrimp (or Dolphin) Nebula (Sh2-188) captured on the nights of December 20, 2023, January 4&26, and February 3, 2024. Sh2-188 is a planetary nebula in Cassiopeia. Imaged …
Shrimp Nebula (Sh2-188) - Sky & Telescope
2024年7月31日 · Sh2-188 (also known as Shrimp Nebula or Dolphin Nebula) is an unusual planetary nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia. The expanding gas from the …
Sharpless 2-188 (Sh2-188) planetary nebula (Herwig Peresson
Sharpless 2-188 comprises a planetary nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia. The expanding gas from the planetary nebula is colliding with ambient gas in the interstellar …
SH2-188 - The Shrimp Nebula from the backyard - galactichunter
2020年9月27日 · Sh2-188 is a planetary nebula in Cassiopeia. It does not have an official name but is often called the "Shrimp Nebula" or even the "Dolphin Nebula" due to its shape. Also …
Sh2-188 - Stellar Scenes
Sh2-188/超新星残骸, タイプ 1 E? 撮影メモ: カシオペヤ座δ星の約3度南に位置する小型の星雲です。 赤いHα線を発する散光星雲のように見えますが半月状の構造をしており,超新星 …
Sh2-188 - Astrodoc: Astrophotography by Ron Brecher
2023年10月5日 · Sh2-188, sometimes called the Dolphin Nebula, the Shrimp Nebula or the Prawn Nebula is a faint planetary nebula. It lies in Cassiopeia a little more than 700 light years away. …
Planetary Nebula SH2-188 - StarryWonders
SH2-188 is a planetary nebula in Cassiopeia. It was first photographed in 1965 and was initially thought to be a supernova remnant, in part due to its asymmetric crescent-like shape. …
Sh2-188 - Dolphin Nebula - Dual Band HOO - Cloudy Nights
2022年11月2日 · Sh2-188, the Dolphin nebula, also known as the Shrimp nebula, is a PN in cassiopeia. I recently imaged it over 4 nights for a total of 10h 20m using an ES ED102-CF100 …