SH2-200 aka HDW2 aka Bearclaw Nebula (pete_xl) - AstroBin
HDW 2 (Hartl-Dengl-Weinberger 2) is an old planetary nebula in Cassiopeia. The popular name is Bearclaw Nebula and it has the number Sh2-200 in the Sharpless catalogue. The image was …
Sh2-200 - Sky & Telescope
2022年4月21日 · Taken from home observatory, this beautiful but faint planetary nebula, Sh2-200, was discovered in 1983 by the astronomers Herbert Hartl, Johann Dengel and Ronald …
SH2-200 - Hanson Astronomy Photos
Consisting of iridescent shades of purple and blue, this ethereal bubble represents the ghostly remains of a dying star. The category of planetary nebulae was given its name due to …
HDW 2 - Sh2-200 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
This object is known by many names - HDW 2 (Hartl-Dengl-Weinberger 2), Sharpless 2-200 and PNG 138.1+4.1. It is a beautiful and mysterious planetary nebula located 3600 light years …
Sh2-200 - Astrodoc: Astrophotography by Ron Brecher
2025年1月12日 · Sh2-200 is an old planetary nebula in Cassiopeia. It has a few other names: the Bear Claw nebula, HDW2 (Hartl-Dengl-Weinberger were the discoverers, in 1983), LBN 674, …
SH2-200 - AstroKin
Despite being very old and highly evolved, low surface brightness planetary nebulae such as SH2-200 (or HDW 2 as it is also known) contain very hot and energetic central stars, which …
SH2-200 (Dan Kusz) - AstroBin
Sh2-200, the Bear Claw nebula. This nebula was first discovered by the astronomer Stewart Sharpless in 1959 who included it in his catalogue of HII regions under the name of Sh2-200. …
Bearclaw Nebula (Sh2-200) — AAPOD2.COM
2024年11月14日 · Image Description and Details: Sh2-200 (also known as HDW 2 or Bearclaw Nebula) is an extremely fait planetary nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia, about 3° …
SH2-200 (Sharpless 200)
SH2-200 (Sharpless 200) This planetary nebula offers a lot to large telescopes and smaller ones with a wider field of view. The nebula responds mostly to the hydrogen-alpha filter and is weak …
PK138+4.1(Sh2-200) - Stellar Scenes
撮影メモ: きりん座との境界近くのカシオペヤ座東端部に位置する,淡い惑星状星雲を捉えたものです。 視直径約6分の円形をしており,内部に筋状の構造が見られます。 その形状が主に …