SH2 284 - Smiling Cat Nebula - AstroBin
Sh2-284 is a large emission nebula visible in the constellation Unicorn. Sh2-284 is a vast H II region whose distance has been a subject of debate. In the 1980s, it was proposed to be about 5,200 parsecs (∼17,000 light-years) away, placing it …
SH2-284 - AstroBin
2023年3月14日 · SH2-284 is an HII star forming region of dust and gases, sculpted by the radiation and interstellar winds emanating from the young (3 to 4 million years) open star cluster Dolidze 25 located near its ...
Hubble Unveils a Glittering View of Sh2-284 - NASA Science
2025年3月8日 · Sh2-284 is also a low-metallicity region, which means it is poor in elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. These conditions mimic the early universe, when matter was mostly helium and hydrogen and heavier elements were just beginning to form via nuclear fusion within massive stars. Hubble took these images as part of an effort to examine ...
The Sh2-284 nebula, imaged by the VLT Survey Telescope | ESO
2023年6月27日 · This spectacular picture of the Sh2-284 nebula has been captured in great detail by the VLT Survey Telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory. Sh2-284 is a star formation region, and at its centre there is a cluster of young stars, dubbed Dolidze 25. The radiation from this cluster is powerful enough to ionise the hydrogen gas in the nebula’s ...
Sh2-284, Smiling Cat Nebula in SHO, Mouseover Normalization
Sh2-284 (also known as the Smiling Cat Nebula and LBN 983), is located approximately 4033 parsecs (13157 light-years) away from Earth in the constellation Monoceros, just 5 degrees southeast of the more popular and similarly-sized Rosette nebula.
Sh2-280, Sh2-282 & Sh2-284 - Stellar Scenes
写真の右上に見える,ばら星雲の南南東に約2.5度のところに漂う赤い散光星雲がSh2-280です。 差し渡し40分ほどの規模を持ち,写真では比較的容易にその姿を写し取ることができます。
《SH2-284》 - 巡星客 - istarshooter.com
2024年12月25日 · sh2-284位于麒麟座,距离地球1.5万光年,是一个洞状的恒星生成区域。 精选 拍摄地点: 云南省丽江市玉龙纳西族自治县G214 香格里拉星迹台
SH2-284 (2024) - AstroKin
Sh2-284 is a HII star forming region of gas and dust located in the constellation Monoceros approximately 15 thousand light years from the Earth. This remarkable nebula resembles the more familiar Rosette Nebula (Caldwell 49). Along the edges of Sh2-284 are several "elephant trunk" formations.
SVX102T-R - Sh2-284 - Stellarvue
2024年5月29日 · Douglas J Struble captured this satisfying shot of Sh2-284 in Monoceros with his SVX102T-R. This emission nebula rests roughly 15,000 light-years away from Earth and has a diameter between 150 and 200 light-years. At its center, a cluster of young stars, Dolidze 25, ionize the hydrogen gas in the surrounding cloud.
NASA公布Sh2-284星云图片 新星闪闪发光 | 恒星形成区 | 哈伯太空 …
2025年3月10日 · 美国国家航空航天局(nasa)在3月8日公布了sh2-284星云的图片,呈现该星云的局部区域。 只见这个恒星形成区充满了新生恒星,闪耀着光芒。 NASA指出,Sh2-284位于15,000光年之外的银河系外旋臂末端,在麒麟座(Monocero...