Sharpless Sh2-311 / NGC 2467 "Skull & Crossbones" Nebula
With its deep southern declination of -26 degrees in the constellation of Puppis, this object rises only to a maximum of 19 degrees above the horizon in my current location. Luckily, this object is qu...
Reflection and emission in SH2-311: The skull and crossbones …
Also known as the “Skull and Crossbones Nebula” is located in the constellation Puppis. Numerous stars and clusters come together to make this stunning stellar portrait. One of the most notable clusters within NGC 2467, known as Haffner 18, houses around 50 stars—most are high-mass, but have already begun the transit into the celestial afterlife.
Sh 2-311(散光星雲・とも座) - orio.blog
2022年1月5日 · Sh 2-311(散光星雲+散開星団), 明るさ:–, 大きさ: 45′, 分類: HII + OCl, RA 07h 52m 20.4s DEC -26d 26m 28s (J2000.0) Sh 2-311は、とも座にある明るい散光星雲で、散開星団NGC 2467を含みます。
Sh2-311, Skull and Crossbones Nebula, HOO (AnaTa) - AstroBin
Sh2-311, Skull and Crossbones Nebula is a bright (6 Mag) and large 45' emission and reflection nebula in the constellation Puppis. NGC 2467 is an open and young (5-15 million old) cluster associated with this emission/reflection nebula. Sh2-311 is located some 13 000 – …
Sh2-311 / NGC 2467 - AstroBin
Build: 023bbcdb02407c2c2e7d03d6e1fa89f248e933d8 . NGC 2467 is one of my favorite star forming region. This was taken on Jan 2015. It was taken while I had my GSO RC10 using a SXVR-H16 ccd and AP 0.67 telekompresso.
Sh2-311, January 2025 - David's Astro Images
Sharpless 2-311 (Sh2-311) is an emission nebula associated with the open cluster NGC 2467 in the southern constellation of Puppis. Nicknamed the “Skull and Crossbones Nebula”, it is a star-forming region whose appearance has occasionally also been likened to that of a colorful mandrill.
SH2-311 en HaSI-OO (Los_Calvos) - AstroBin
SH2-311 is a star nebula dubbed "Skull and Crossbones nebula" (the nebula of the skull and crisscrossed shins), whose appearance resembles the face of a mandrill. It includes regions where large clouds of hydrogen gas serve as star incubators.
SH2-311 (Sharpless 311)
SH2-311 (Sharpless 311) This nebula offers a great deal for any size system. The wide field of view captures a very nice image of the nebula while large telescopes will bring out the very fine detail. The nebula does very well with the Hydrogen-Alpha filter and creating a …
Sharpless 311 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2023年3月31日 · Sharpless 311 (Sh2-311, NGC 2467, Gum 9, LBN 1065 + 1067 and others) is a bright nebula located approximately 20,500 light-years away in Puppis. Luminance – 10x600s – 100 minutes – binned 1x1 RGB – 10x600s – 100 minutes each – binned 1x1
NGC 2467 - irida-observatory.org
NGC 2467 is an Open cluster associated with the Emission nebula Sh2-311 with an age of a few million years at most, located some 13 000 – 17 000 light-years away in the southern constellation of Puppis. It is an extremely active stellar nursery, where new stars are born continuously from large clouds of dust and gas.