Sh2-33 and Sh2-36 - AstroBin
Sh2-33 and Sh2-36 are two Sharpless catalog objects with little to no Halpha content. These are quite dim but respond well to RGB filters. This image is (25-B),(25-G),(26-R). seeing was poor …
Sh2 沙普利斯星云目录推荐 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Sh2-30 三裂星云 19'x21' 大星云. Sh2-33 22' x 18' 形似ε,暗淡的巨大分子云. Sh2-35 35' x 40' 寄居蟹星云旁边的巨大分子云. Sh2-36 55' x 50' 巨大分子云. Sh2-37 23' x 15' 寄居蟹星云. Sh2 …
Sh2-33 - AstroBin
2023年8月3日 · This molecular cloud is located 1000 light years away in the constellation of Serpens at a declination of -2 degrees. It is about 1 degree wide, which corresponds to an …
Around Sh2-24, 33 - Stellar Scenes
画面の上方に位置する,見かけサイズ30分×20分ほどの星雲はsh2-33,南部に位置する筋状の淡い星雲はsh2-24です。 これらの星雲は太陽系から比較的近距離に位置し,360~470光年ほ …
SH2-33 (Sharpless 33)
SH2-33 (Sharpless 33) This is an interesting object that does not respond to narrowband filters at all, so I would not bother. The object is very faint, and you will need a long exposure in the …
LR1801G-33-SH2-R_UTC(友顺)_LR1801G-33-SH2-R中文资料_PDF …
lr1801g-33-sh2-r由utc(友顺)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。lr1801g-33-sh2-r价格参考¥0.5229。utc(友顺) lr1801g-33-sh2-r参数名称:输出类型:固定;工作电压:6v;输出电压:3.3v;输 …
Sharpless catalog - Wikipedia
The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 H II regions (emission nebulae) intended to be comprehensive north of declination −27°.(It does include some nebulae south of that …
心臟星雲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
心臟星雲,或稱為心狀星雲(英語: Heart Nebula ),即 IC 1805、Sh2-190,是一個距離地球約7500光年,位於銀河系 英仙臂的星雲,在天球上位於仙后座。 這個發射星雲內有熾熱的氣體 …
#80388: Abell35(Sh2-313) by hiro_ikd - 天体写真ギャラリー
RStackerでダーク&フラット補正、Canon Digital Photo Professional 4でカラー化、 ステライメージ9にてコンポジット、PixInsightおよびAdobe Photoshop 2022で画像処理、33%にトリ …
SH2-3 (Sharpless 3)
SH2-3 (Sharpless 3) This small but bring nebula offers quite a bit to the imager with any size telescope imaging system. The wide field with capture some nice detail of SH2-3 while picking …