SH2-72, SH2-71 & NGC-6749 (Jordi Poch) - AstroBin
SH2-72 is the main object of this picture. It is a hydrogen alpha nebula located in Aquilae constellation. In the bottom of the image there is SH2-71, a nice planetary nebula, probably …
SH2-72 (Sharpless 72)
SH2-72 (Sharpless 72) Aquila which tends to be ignored by imagers with the exception of a few objects is quite rich with nice nebula. SH2-72 is such an object as it responds very well to a …
Sh2-72 Emission Nebula - Astrodoc: Astrophotography by Ron Brecher
2016年7月21日 · Sh2-72 is an emission nebula in Aquila, the Eagle, and lies about 5,870 light years away in a rich star field. This object also goes by the catalogue number RCW179. There …
SH2-71 & SH2-72, dark nebula and IFNs Wide field - AAPOD2.COM
2023年8月21日 · SH2-71 and SH2-72 are distinct emission nebulae found in the Milky Way's Sagittarius arm. SH2-71, also known as Gum 48, resides in Scutum and houses a cluster of …
Sh2-72 - Stellar Scenes
Sh2-72 is a minor emission nebula positioned in the Milky Way of western Aquila. Although the nebula has a visual diameter of 25 arc minutes, looks extraordinary dimmed, you can detect …
Sharpless 72 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2021年6月19日 · Sh2-72 (RCW 179 and possibly others) is a large HII region located approximately 13,300 light-years away in Aquila. Imaged over six nights in June, 2019 and …
Sh2-72 - Stellar Scenes
このSh2-72は,その中でも比較的写真写りがよい部類に入ります。 Sh2-72の約30分南東に見られる小型の球状星団はNGC6749です。 20分ほど西には,小さな惑星状星雲Sh2-71が位置し …
Sh2-72 | Nebula in Aquila | GO ASTRONOMY
Sharpless Sh2-72. Sharpless Sh2-72 is an emission nebula located in the constellation of Aquila. Sh2-72 is from the Sharpless Catalog, which contains 313 emission nebulae found in the …
Sh2-72 - Astrobasics
Telescope: Lacerta Fotonewton 250/1000 Reducer/Flattener/Barlow: 0.75x Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro Chip temperature: 0°C Gain: 121 Offset: 30 Binning: 1x1 Filter: Optolong L …
Sharpless catalog - Wikipedia
The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 H II regions (emission nebulae) intended to be comprehensive north of declination −27°.(It does include some nebulae south of that …