Sh2-73 - AstroBin
Sh2-73 is a visible reflection nebula in the constellation of Hercules. It was mistakenly included in the Sharpless catalog as an emission nebula. We now know that the nebula is simply a molecular cl...
《Sh2-073 武仙座共耀星云》 - 巡星客
2023年5月16日 · Sh2-73是武仙座中可见的共耀星云。 最初被认为是由处于恒星形成区的发射星云,后来发现其实是由周边星系照亮的星间物质,即为共耀星云。 Sh2-73是最接近太阳系的星云之一,距离太阳系只有650光年,它位于非常高的银河系纬度,与亮星无关,恒星形成现象也 ...
Sh2-73 Nebula - Sky & Telescope
2015年5月6日 · Sh2-73 is located in the constellation Hercules and was mistakenly included in the Sharpless catalog as an emission nebula. We now know that the nebula is simply a molecular cloud. With its relatively high galactic latitude, about 45°, the integrated light of the galaxy illuminates the nebula.
Sh2-73, The Sharpless Imposter in LRGB (David Payne) - AstroBin
Hydrogen emissions are dominated by a red colour and result from adsorption of (generally UV) radiation and reemission in the visible spectrum. In contrast, Sh2-73 simply reflects back the accumulated light given off by the Milky Way. A big hint is its location, above the plane of the galaxy where it can reflect light from the galactic disc/plane.
SH2-73 - Integrated Flux Nebula | Master Darks
SH2-73 - Integrated Flux Nebula Show astrometry data Sharpless 73 (also known as LBN 105), in the constellation Hercules, was mistakenly added to the Sharpless catalog as an emission nebula.
SH2-73 - An Integrated Flux Nebula in Hercules - 9.8 hours in LRGB
2022年7月16日 · SH2-73 is a molecular cloud located high over the galaxy's core with a galactic latitude of about 45 degrees. In this case, the cloud is seen by the reflected light from the entire Milky Way Galaxy! As such, this object is properly classified as an Integrated Flux Nebula, or an IFN! SH2-73 contains 20 to 40 solar masses of gas.
Sh2-73 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
At 700 light years away, it is one of the closest molecular clouds to earth. It is about 1.5 degrees wide, which at that distance corresponds to a width of 20 light years. Our apparent view of this faint object is almost edge-on to the common horseshoe shape of a molecular cloud.
Sh2-73 - Nebula - bf-astro.com
Sh2-73 is located in the constellation Hercules and was mistakenly included in the Sharpless catalog as an emission nebula. With no association with a nearby hot star, to ionize gas, we now know that the nebula is simply a molecular cloud.
Sh 2-73(反射星雲?・ヘラクレス座) - orio.blog
2019年12月23日 · Sh 2-73(反射星雲?), 光度:– mag, 直径:75′ , 分類:E+R? Sh 2-73は、別名LBN 105、MBM 40、IREC 53と呼ばれる局所分子雲です。 この星雲では星形成の兆候はないとされています。 (galaxymap.org) しかし、星雲の色を見ると赤みがかった色をしている部分がありHII領域が混在しているか、もしくは星雲を照らしている恒星の色を反映していると思われます。 おそらくそのためにシャープレスの観測でもHα単色光用103aE乾板に写り込んだので …
《sh2-73》 - 巡星客 - istarshooter.com
2024年6月7日 · sh2-73一片并不华丽的暗星云,不过却是春季非常适合拍的目标! 精选 拍摄地点: 河北省雄安新区容城县东方道 中国