Sh 2-9 - Wikipedia
Sh 2-9, also known as Gum 65, is combination emission and reflection nebula in the Scorpius constellation, surrounding the multiple star system Sigma Scorpii. Sigma Scorpii is 1° to the northwest of Messier 4, [1] [2] and the nebula can be easily seen with small telescopes. Sharpless 9 is a red emission nebula that surrounds the star Sigma ...
Galactic Nebula Sh 2-9 - Deep⋆Sky Corner
Sh 2-9 (Sharpless 2-9) is a reflection and emission nebula around the 2.9 mag bright star σ Scorpii (Al Niyat). The reddish areas consist of ionised hydrogen and are excited to glow by the star's UV radiation.
Sh2-9 Reflection Nebula - M4 Globular Cluster (Jerry Macon
Sh2-9, also called Gum 65 is combination emission and reflection nebula in the Scorpius constellation, surrounding the multiple star system Sigma Scorpii. The nebula is a few arc minutes to the northeast to Messier 4, and can be easily seen by small telescopes.
Globular Star Cluster M4 and Hydrogen Emission Nebula Sh2-9
Found within the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex I have framed the Globular Star Cluster M4 next to the much fainter emission nebula Sh2-9. The bright star Sigma Scorpii is both ionizing the red hydrogen gas and also reflecting blue light on the surrounding nebulous dust.
A Cosmic Duo - Andy's Astropix
2021年5月15日 · Sh2-9, also called Gum 65 is combination emission and reflection nebula in the Scorpius constellation, surrounding the multiple star system Sigma Scorpii. The nebula is a few arcminutes to the northeast to Messier 4, and can be easily seen by small telescopes. Sharpless 9 is a red emission nebula that surrounds the star Sigma Scorpii.
Sh 2-9(散光星雲・反射星雲・さそり座) – Orio Blog
2016年7月12日 · シャープレスカタログ Sh 2-9は、さそり座のσ星を取り囲む青い反射星雲とそれを取り囲む明るいHII領域から形成されています。 変光星でもあるσ星は上部さそり座OBII群の中にあります。 アンタレスの周囲にある大きな黄色い星雲は、vdB 107というアンタレスによって照らし出された反射星雲です。 この領域に広がった組成は同じ分子雲が近くの恒星の光によって照らし出された部分が青や黄色の反射星雲として、電離発光した部分は赤い電離星 …
蟹狀星雲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
该星云由 约翰·贝维斯 于1731年发现,对应 中国 、 阿拉伯 和 日本 天文学家於公元1054年记录的一次 超新星 爆发(编号 SN 1054,中国称天关客星)。 1969年天文学家发现星云的中心是一颗 脉冲星 [5],直径约28–30公里,每秒自转30.2次,并发射出从 γ射线 到 无线电波 的宽频率范围 电磁波。 它也是首顆被确认为历史上超新星爆发遗迹的天体。 蟹状星云的 X射线 和γ射线 辐射 能量超过30 keV,最高可达450 TeV,而且非常稳定,因此天文学家将蟹状星云看成是 宇宙 中最 …
Sharpless catalog - Wikipedia
The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 H II regions (emission nebulae) intended to be comprehensive north of declination −27°.(It does include some nebulae south of that declination as well.) The first edition was published in 1953 with 142 objects (Sh1), and the second and final version was published by US astronomer Stewart Sharpless in 1959 with 312 objects.
Auriga East Nebulae: Sh2-232, Sh2-235, Sh2-231 and PK173+03.1
Infrared analysis using the Spitzer space telescope has found 86 young stellar objects within Sh 2-235. Sh 2-235 is ionised by the O9.5 V star BD +35 1201. Avedisova places this nebula in star formation region SFR 173.61+2.80 with 54 components, including 7 masers, the smaller HI region BFS 46 and several Herbig-Haro objects.
SH2结构域 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SH2结构域 (英語: Src Homology 2 domain, Src同源2结构域)是 癌蛋白 Src[2] 以及许多其它 细胞内 信号转导 蛋白 [3] 上的一个保守的 结构域。 那些含SH2结构域的蛋白质可以对接到其它蛋白中的磷酸化酪氨酸残基上。 SH2结构域往往存在于帮助受体酪氨酸激酶通路信号转导的衔接蛋白中 [4]。 蛋白质-蛋白质互作在细胞生长与发育过程中起到重要的作用。 作为蛋白质亚单位的模块化的结构域通过识别短肽序列的方式调控这些蛋白质互作。 SH2结构域就是比较著名的结构域 …