Sha Tin 18 | Authentic Peking Duck | Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin
The award-winning Sha Tin 18 serves authentic Dongguan and northern Chinese cuisine in a lively show kitchen environment. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Phone: +852 3723 7932. Location: 4th Floor. Dress Code: Smart Casual. We would also like to remind guests of the importance of handwashing.
沙田18 | 正宗北京烤鴨 | 香港沙田凱悅酒店
沙田18供應多款傳統廣東點心,包括即叫即蒸的「傳統筍尖蝦餃皇」、「蟹籽鮮蝦燒賣」及馳名「生滾沙田鮮雞粥」。 賓客亦可選擇午市套餐,在繁瑣的日程中忙裡偷閒,享受一頓健康、豐富的午膳。
沙田18 – 香港沙田沙田凱悅酒店的粵菜 (廣東)中菜館 | OpenRice 香 …
沙田18 Sha Tin 18的餐廳地址、網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 沙田澤祥街18號沙田凱悅酒店4樓。 主要菜式包括 五糧液朱古力雪糕, 片皮鴨, 傳統北京烤填鴨, 籠仔糯米蒸腩排, 明爐烤蜜汁叉燒, 花雕話梅雪葩, 厚街臘味煎魚餅, 北京填鴨, 東莞炒米粉, 鴨胸皮, 鴨胸肉, 五粮液朱古力雪糕, 生菜片鴨鬆, 特色東莞炒米粉, 鴨湯, 北方豬肉餃子, 腐乳芝士蛋糕, 蝦餃, 鹹蛋黃魚皮蝦球, 北京烤填鴨, 香茅鮮蝦炸春卷, 彩椒鳳梨咕嚕肉, 北京烤鴨, 五娘液朱古力雪糕, 焗黑芝麻湯圓酥皮 …
Sha Tin 18 - Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin - Tripadvisor
2016年3月6日 · Sha Tin 18 is the Chinese restaurant of the 5-star urban resort Hyatt Regency Hong Kong in Shatin. The high ceiling and living room area of the private room make it especially luxurious. The minimum spending of HK$ 6,500 for dinner in the spacious room on weekdays is very affordable and value for money.
- 4.2/5285 条 TripAdvisor 评论
沙田18 - 香港沙田凱悅酒店 - TableCheck
沙田18 - 香港沙田凱悅酒店預訂體驗
沙田18(沙田凯悦酒店)(香港) - 餐厅/美食点评 - Tripadvisor
The best of China’s cuisines are on show at Sha Tin 18, the show-kitchen restaurant at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin. Offering authentic Cantonese and northern Chinese cuisine, friendly service and great value, Sha Tin 18 is the perfect destination for weekends spent with family and friends or for a business gathering during the week.
Sha Tin 18 - Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Sha Tin - OpenTable
2022年2月3日 · Named after the hotel's street address number "18" which also means good fortune in terms of Feng Shui, Sha Tin 18 is a new concept for Hong Kong, and perhaps the best Chinese restaurant serving authentic Dongguan and northern Chinese cuisine in a lively show kitchen environment.
Book Your Sha Tin 18 Reservation Now on Resy
Sha Tin 18 is a new concept for Hong Kong, serving authentic Cantonese and Northern Chinese cuisine in a lively show kitchen environment.Guests can choose to appreciate a front row view of the chefs in action in the show kitchens.
Sha Tin 18 - Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin - TableCheck
Special requests and seating are subject to availability. Table reservations are held for a maximum of 15 minutes from the reserved time. Online booking is available 60 days in advance.
沙田18 - 香港沙田凱悅酒店 | OKiBook Hong Kong & Macau
獲獎無數的沙田18供應正宗東莞及北方菜式,設4個開放式廚房。 主用餐區外,另備貴賓廳,各式聚會皆宜。 招牌菜包括正宗北京烤鴨、堂弄玫瑰露叉燒豬油撈飯、以自家製醬菜炮製的多款美食,以及各式創意甜品。