Sha Tin - Wikipedia
Sha Tin, also spelt Shatin, is a neighbourhood along Shing Mun River in the eastern New Territories, Hong Kong. Administratively, it is part of the Sha Tin District. Sha Tin is one of the neighbourhoods of the Sha Tin New Town project. The new town was founded in 1973 under the New Towns Development Programme of the Hong Kong government.
沙田 (香港) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
沙田 (英語: Sha Tin, 一般坊間亦作 Shatin)是 香港 沙田區 的主要部分,位於 新界 東部,涵蓋 火炭 以南、 大圍 以北的 城門河 兩岸土地,原稱 瀝源 (英語: Lek Yuen)。 沙田在1970年代進行大規模的填海工程,原有 沙田海 南部如今僅剩用作人工排洪河道城門河,而沙田新市鎮的主體部分則在填海地上發展,原有 沙田墟 一帶已建成「沙田市中心」。 2011年時任 香港特區政府 地政總署 副署長的黃仲衡向傳媒表示,地政總署根據歷史文獻記載確定「沙田」的英文名稱 …
Sha Tin - Hong Kong Tourism Board
Sha Tin was once a rural backwater of fishing and farming settlements, but it was transformed into a suburban new town in the 1970s. Today, it is Hong Kong’s most populous district, home to 641,000 people, but it still retains the flavour of the countryside, with historic walled villages, lush hills and a string of green spaces along the ...
Sha Tin District - Wikipedia
Sha Tin District is one of the 18 districts of Hong Kong. As one of the 9 districts located in the New Territories, it covers the areas of Sha Tin, Tai Wai, Ma On Shan, Fo Tan, Siu Lek Yuen, Kwun Yam Shan and Ma Liu Shui.
沙田區 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
沙田區(英語: Sha Tin District )是香港 十八區的其中一區,位於新界的東部,面積約6,927公頃。 該區在 差餉 [ 2 ] 、 公共房屋編配 (擴展市區) [ 3 ] 、 的士經營範圍 (但新界的士可行駛 九肚山 麗坪路 、 馬料水 、 馬鞍山 、 沙田馬場 、 威爾斯親王醫院 ...
沙田 | 香港旅游发展局 - Discover Hong Kong
香港文化博物馆的展览涵盖领域众多,从古代陶瓷到武侠文化都有,备受本地人喜爱。 不远处的沙田大会堂有很多值得一看的公共艺术作品,并定期举行文艺演出。 新城市广场 是香港最大的商场之一,看完了沙田的自然和人文,来这里歇歇脚、买买东西,也是不错的选择。 港铁东铁线和屯马线贯通沙田,多个站点均设在区内,因此去哪儿都方便。 火炭的老工业厂房近年摇身一变成了艺术家的创作园地,而 车公庙 则是全港最大的寺庙之一。 在港铁沙田站上方的丘陵中,你会找到 …
沙田.com Sha Tin - World Class Horse Racing in Hong Kong
Sha Tin racecourse, Hong Kong. Horse racing results, calendar, free tips and live racing broadcast.
Sha Tin Area Guide - Hong Kong Cheapo
2025年1月22日 · Sha Tin is the biggest city in Hong Kong’s sprawling New Territories district. What was once farmland and rural villages became a model ‘new town’ in the 1970s, with the construction of lots of highrises, new malls, and MTR stations. Today the travel time from Tsim Sha Tsui to Sha Tin by MTR is about 30 minutes, making it a popular commuter town.
Your Neighbourhood Guide To Sha Tin - Sassy Hong Kong
Much more than a sleepy residential town, Sha Tin offers a wealth of culture and history. From walled villages to dai pai dongs, we’ve rounded up some of our favourites in this part of the city! Sha Tin might be known for being a residential suburb, but it covers a vast area with many hidden gems and plenty of things to do.
THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Sha Tin, Hong Kong - Tripadvisor
2019年12月29日 · Top 10 Things to Do in Sha Tin: See reviews and photos of Sha Tin, Hong Kong (China) on Tripadvisor.