Shanghai Zoo
上海动物园内最先开花的是一株二乔玉兰,位于科教馆东南侧树坛,靠近欧阳海雕塑。 在一片绿色掩映中,它的花瓣洁白如玉,基部粉红似胭脂点点,花姿袅袅挺立,圣洁的开在枝头。 玉兰花同时开放,千朵万朵蔚为壮观。 远望满树白花,令人惊叹。 春意挂上了树梢,春风携来花香,一抬头,满目春色,不胜欢喜。 万物醒,春意浓。 早春的萌芽刚刚破土而出,一年一度的植树节即将到来,上海动物园邀您一起“植春光”。 不同于常规植树活动,本次我们将为上海本土蝴蝶创造一 …
Shanghai Zoo (Shanghai Dongwu Yuan)
My wife and I made our way out to Shanghai Zoo to see the Pandas and also the collection of wonderful animals that they have. Unfortunately the behaviour of the other customers resulted in us leaving early, vowing never to return. The place is of a decent size and some of the animals are looked after.
Shanghai Zoo - Wikipedia
Shanghai Zoological Park (simplified Chinese: 上海动物园; traditional Chinese: 上海動物園; pinyin: Shànghǎi Dòngwùyuán), or commonly Shanghai Zoo in short, is the one of the two main zoos in Shanghai. It is located near the township of Hongqiao (formerly Hung-Jao) and is administratively in Changning District.
动物园 - Shanghai Zoo
售票及购票游客入园时间: 3-10月:08:00 - 17:00. 11-2月:08:00 - 16:30. 如遇特殊情况,请以现场公告为准。 1、成人票:40元/人; 儿童/学生票 20元/人:1.3米(含)以上、6周岁(不含)至18周岁(含)未成年人、全日制大学本科及以下学历,游园当天请携带学生证或年龄证明证件; 老人票 36元/人:60周岁(含)至65周岁(不含),游园当天时请携带相关年龄证明证件; 退役军人票 32元/人:游园当天请携带退役军人优待证。
上海动物园官网 - Shanghai Zoo
上海动物园现有面积约 74 公顷,饲养展出各类稀有珍贵野生动物近 470 种 5000 多只(头)。 其中有世界闻名的有着〝国宝〞和〝活化石〞之称的大熊猫,以及金丝猴、华南虎、扬子鳄等我国特产珍稀野生动物,还有世界各地的代表性动物如大猩猩、非洲狮、长颈鹿、北极熊、袋鼠、南美貘等。 被评为国家 4A 级旅游景区,获得了“全国十佳动物园”、“上海市文明单位”等多个称号。 园内种植树木 400 余种、 13 万余株, 12 株古树名木,特别有 10 万平方米清新开阔的草坪,基 …
Shanghai Zoo: What and How to Visit it, including panda.
2021年4月8日 · Shanghai Zoo is the second-largest zoo and one of the ten best ecological zoos in China. It has a total area of 743,000 square meters (184 acres), with an exhibition area of 47,237 square meters (12 acres). Situated near Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. Shanghai Zoo is home to more than 6,000 animals including about 620 species ...
Wild Animal Park, Shanghai – Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, …
Shanghai Wild Animal Park (上海野生动物园) is a popular wildlife conservation center located in Pudong, Shanghai, China. It spans over 153 hectares and is home to over 10,000 animals from over 200 different species, including giant pandas, …
上海动物园 - 百度百科
上海动物园(Shanghai Zoo),位于上海市长宁区虹桥路2381号,紧邻上海虹桥国际机场。 始建于1954年,前身为西郊公园。 上海动物园占地面积743000平方米,饲养展出动物的馆舍面积有47237平方米。
上海野生动物园 - shwzoo.com
Add:No.178,Nanliu Road,Pudong District,Shanghai. Tel:021-58036000
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