Shaktari - Forgotten Realms Wiki
For eons, Shaktari was one of the most active demon lords involved in the Blood War. She lead devastating armies of mariliths to legendary victories over the devils. However, her success …
莎卡特里Shaktari | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
莎卡特里Shaktari 是六臂蛇魔女王(不过她有八条胳膊)。 作为血战中最活跃的塔纳厘领主之一,她率领麾下的六臂蛇魔军团所向披靡,取得了对巴特祖魔鬼们史诗般的胜利。 不过,这最 …
Shaktari | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
Shaktari, called Queen of Mariliths and Queen of Poison, is a marilith demon lord and ruler of Vudra, the 531st layer of the Abyss.[1] Shaktari is a gargantuan marilith, with a serpent body...
Shaktari (5e Creature) - D&D Wiki
Shaktari targets up to three demons friendly to her and within 60 feet of her. The selected demons can use their reactions to move up to half their speed and make one weapon attack each. …
2009年10月27日 · SHAKTARI的外表:SHAKTARI是一个巨型的,拥有8支手臂,黑色皮肤,以及燃烧着的双眼的六臂蛇魔。 SHAKTARI的目标:无数个世纪以来,SHAKTARI是在血战中行 …
Shaktari - Greyhawk Wiki
Shaktari is a marilith of gargantuan proportions, with flaming red eyes and skin of blackest night. This dark fiend is said to devour all that she sees, although she spends most of her time …
深渊领主Abyssal Lord | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
恶魔领主中的最强者拥有 恶魔王子 头衔,较强者则被称为 恶魔主君,还有一些力量只足以控制小片区域或族群者,被称为 次级恶魔领主。 出版时间: 1996. 在诸位面的万千屁民中,从下三 …
多眼暴君 - 百度百科
这位被禁锢于无底深渊第73层的的多眼暴君(卡皮里(Cabiri))是仍存在的最古老的奥比里斯魔之一。 据说因为公然对抗混沌之后并拒绝响应她所掀起的对艾夸的风公爵(the Wind Dukes …
Shaktari (3.5e Deity) - D&D Wiki
2023年4月20日 · She is a monstrous black marilith with eight arms and burning eyes. Slaughter all, stain the fields of Hades with the blood of the devils! Mariliths in her realm have been …
Layers of the Abyss | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
It was the realm of the giant eight-armed marilith Shaktari, the Queen of Mariliths. While powerful mariliths ruled many of the islands, Shaktari spent most of the time at the bottom of the …