Shang Kexi - Wikipedia
Shang Kexi (尚可喜; Shang Ko-hsi; August 25, 1604 – November 12, 1676) was a Chinese general of the Ming and Qing dynasties. In 1576, his family migrated to Liaodong, and his father, Shang Xueli, served in the army guarding the northeast frontier.
尚可喜 - 百度百科
尚可喜(1604年—1676年),字元吉,号震阳,祖籍山西 洪洞,后至河北 衡水,明 万历 四年(1576年)其祖父 尚继官 举家迁往辽东海州(今辽宁 海城)。 原为明广鹿岛副将。 天聪八年(1634年)正月航海归 后金,被授 总兵官,属汉军 镶蓝旗,号其兵为天助兵,寻从征明。 崇德元年 (1636年) 封智顺王,从征朝鲜。 [30]顺治元年(1644年)摄政王 多尔衮 、英亲王阿济格、豫亲王多铎和孔有德、尚可喜等八旗兵入关。 尚可喜与阿济格率部尾追李自成军。 第二年, …
Shang Kexi | Manchu Conquest, Rebellion & Exile | Britannica
Shang Kexi was a Chinese general whose attempt to retire in 1673 resulted in a large-scale rebellion. Originally a Ming dynasty general, Shang transferred his loyalty in 1634 to the Manchu kingdom of Manchuria, which was encroaching on China from the northeast.
尚可喜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
尚可喜 (1604年8月25日—1676年12月4日),字 元吉,号 震阳,初为 明朝 东江军 将领,后投降 后金 (清朝),为清初五位汉王之一。 祖籍 山西 平阳府 洪洞县,后迁至 北直隶 真定府 衡水县, 万历 四年(1576年)其祖父 尚继官 举家迁往 辽东都司 海州卫(今 辽宁 海城)。 生於 萬曆 三十二年(1604年),隨父 尚学礼 加入东江军,积功至副总兵。 崇祯 七年(1634年)投奔后金,授 总兵 职, 崇德 元年(1636年)受封智顺王, 順治 六年(1649年)封平南王, 康熙 十四 …
Revolt of the Three Feudatories | Chinese history | Britannica
role of Shang Kexi. In Shang Kexi …ensuing war, known as the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, was not suppressed until 1681.) Unable to control his son, Shang attempted suicide. He failed, but his health was destroyed and he died soon after. Altogether, he had 32 sons, most of whom were loyal Qing officials—11 became generals and… Read More
尚可喜 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃 - 中国哲学书电子化计划
Shang Kexi (尚可喜; Shang Ko-hsi; August 25, 1604 – November 12, 1676) was a Chinese general of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. His family had migrated to Liaodong in 1576 and his father, Shang Xueli, served in the army guarding the northeast frontier.
尚可喜 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年1月20日 · (1604-08-25~1676-12-04) 中国明朝降后金(清)将领、清初三藩之一。字元吉,号震阳。
Portrait of Shang Kexi (d. 1676) - National Museum of Asian Art
When this portrait came out of China in the 1940s, the seller identified the figure as Shang Kexi, a hero of the Manchu conquest, but without other verifiable portraits of this individual to which to compare the Sackler likeness, the identity of the figure is difficult to prove.
SHANG Kexi - Oxford Reference
SHANG Kexi [Shang K’o-his] 尙可喜, d. 1676, age 73 (sui), was a native of Liaodong. His father was killed in battle while serving as a major in the Ming armies.
尚可喜 - 图片、照片、画像库 - 老资料网
shang_kexi: 尚可喜的人物字号: 字元吉,号震阳。 尚可喜的所属朝代: 尚可喜的生卒年代: 1604—1676: 尚可喜的籍贯: 辽东(今辽宁辽阳)人