Shanks - One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Shanks is a tall, muscular man with a tan complexion. Among the original lineup of the Four Emperors, he stood out as the smallest, most normal-sized human by far, the others being inhumanly proportioned to varying degrees. True to his epithet, Shanks has distinctly red hair, usually depicted across media as a deep crimson.
Shanks/History - One Piece Wiki
Shanks uses Supreme King Haki to stop Admiral Ryokugyu's attack on Wano. Shanks interrupted Momonosuke's fight with Admiral Ryokugyu by sending a strong wave of Supreme King Haki from the outskirts of Wano. The Admiral sensed his Haki and realized that Shanks was the one using it.
Figarland Family | One Piece Wiki | Fandom
The sole known exception to the family's service to the government is Shanks, a pirate and one of the Four Emperors. The family was first mentioned non-canonically by Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro in One Piece Film: Red.
Shanks - Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Shanks (シャンクス, Shankusu?), also known as "Red-Haired Shanks" (赤髪のシャンクス, Akagami no Shankusu?), is a major character in the One Piece franchise. He is a legendary and powerful pirate in the Grand Line, being the chief of the Red Haired Pirates and one of the Four Emperors residing in the New...
Shanks (One Piece) - MyAnimeList.net
Red-Haired Shanks is a legendary and powerful pirate in the Grand Line, being the captain of the Red Haired Pirate Crew and one of the Four Emperors in the second half of the grand line. Furthermore, he is Monkey D. Luffy's childhood hero and a …
崔校军 - 百度百科
崔校军(游戏ID:Shanks),2001年5月13日出生,《英雄联盟》职业选手,司职中单,曾效力于WE电子竞技俱乐部,现效力于AL英雄联盟。 崔校军于2020年1月加入WE.A担任中单,5月升至WE一队。
香克斯,日本漫画《航海王》及其衍生作品中的角色,又译作“杰克斯”,外号“红发”, 红发海贼团 的船长,“ 四皇 ”之一,悬赏金40亿4890万贝里。 天龙人 费加兰度家族 的成员。 [37] 在神之谷事件后被罗杰收养,后作为见习海贼在 罗杰海贼团 实习,在罗杰海贼团解散后,成立了 红发海贼团,6年前跻身 四皇 之一,悬赏金为40亿4890万贝里。 [3] 然而与这威名相反,世界上再没有比他更加能体现“自由”的海贼了,如果“ 海贼王 ”的定义是“这片海上最自由的人”,那么可以说,香克 …
Shanks - VS Battles Wiki
Shanks is Monkey D. Luffy's idol, inspiring him to take up a pirate life, and one of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World. Unlike Whitebeard (or presumably Kaido) he doesn't lord this status over everyone else, preferring to travel to different stops and party, with a …
SHANK中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
SHANK翻译:直的部分, (尤指器具或工具的)杆,长柄, 腿, (人或动物的)腿;尤指小腿,胫, (高尔夫运动中)用球杆的不当部位击球使球的方向失去控制, (球类比赛中)击球不当使球的方向失去控制。 了解更多。
One Piece: Oda Finally Answers A Major Mystery About Shanks …
2024年12月19日 · Shanks did not actually meet the Elders in One Piece chapter 907, despite assumptions. Shanks has an evil twin, possibly raised by the World Government as a member of God's Knights. Oda hinted...