Xist spatially amplifies SHARP/SPEN recruitment to balance
2022年3月17日 · Here, we show that Xist drives non-stoichiometric recruitment of the essential silencing protein SHARP (also known as SPEN) to amplify its abundance across the inactive X, including at regions...
Chromatin Regulator SPEN/SHARP in X Inactivation and Disease
2021年4月21日 · SHARP is a protein of more than 400 kDa that contains four RRMs and a highly conserved C-terminal domain, called SPOC (Spen paralog and ortholog C-terminal domain), which is responsible for mediating the repressive function of SHARP [162].
Dissection of protein and RNA regions required for SPEN
2024年2月16日 · The SPEN protein is also called SHARP (SMRT and HDAC-associated repressor protein) and MINT (Msx-2 interacting nuclear target) in humans. SPEN recruits N-CoR2 and HDAC3 to initiate histone deacetylation on the X chromosome, leading to the formation of repressive chromatin marks and silencing gene expression.
Phase separation drives X-chromosome inactivation - Nature
2022年3月17日 · New evidence suggests that dimeric foci of Xist seed the formation of large protein assemblies that contain a wide spectrum of proteins, such as SPEN (SHARP), CIZ1, CELF, PTBP1 and components...
IndiSPENsable for X Chromosome Inactivation and Gene Silencing
2023年11月2日 · More recently, SPEN has been identified as a major regulator of initiation of chromosome-wide gene silencing during X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in mammals, where its function remains to be fully understood. Dependent on the biological context, SPEN functions via mechanisms which include different domains.
SPEN integrates transcriptional and epigenetic control of X ...
2020年2月5日 · We propose that SPEN acts as a molecular integrator for the initiation of XCI, bridging Xist RNA with the transcription machinery—as well as with nucleosome remodellers and histone...
Chromatin Regulator SPEN/SHARP in X Inactivation and Disease
2021年4月1日 · Subsequently, Xist is bound by the corepressor SHARP/SPEN, recruiting and/or activating histone deacetylases (HDACs), leading to the loss of active chromatin marks such as H3K27ac. In addition, polycomb complexes PRC1 and PRC2 establish wide-spread accumulation of H3K27me3 and H2AK119ub1 chromatin marks.
Spen links RNA-mediated endogenous retrovirus silencing and X …
2020年5月7日 · Spen loss activates a subset of endogenous retroviral (ERV) elements in mouse embryonic stem cells, with gain of chromatin accessibility, active histone modifications, and ERV RNA transcription. Spen binds directly to ERV RNAs that show structural similarity to the A-repeat of Xist, a region critical for Xist -mediated gene silencing.
Chromatin Regulator SPEN/SHARP in Cancer | Encyclopedia MDPI
2021年5月25日 · The lncRNA Xist recruits SHARP [SMRT (silencing mediator for retinoid or thyroid hormone receptors) and HDACs (histone deacetylases)-associated repressor protein] to the X chromosome upon initiation of X chromosome inactivation (XCI).
Xist spatially amplifies SHARP/SPEN recruitment to balance
Here, we show that Xist drives non-stoichiometric recruitment of the essential silencing protein SHARP (also known as SPEN) to amplify its abundance across the inactive X, including at regions not directly occupied by Xist.