the lord of the rings - What happened to Ungoliant? - Science …
2014年10月28日 · Chapter 9 of the Silmarillion ("Of the Flight of the Noldor") suggests that Ungoliant starved to death.With their whips of flame they smote asunder the webs of Ungoliant, and she quailed, and turned to flight, belching black vapours to cover her; and fleeing from the north she went down into Beleriand, and dwelt beneath Ered Gorgoroth, in that dark valley that was after called Nan Dungortheb ...
tolkiens legendarium - How did Ungoliant die? - Science Fiction ...
2016年4月28日 · Ungoliant was the mother of all spiders, most famously Shelob. Ungoliant and Melkor teamed up to suck the life out of Telperion and Laurelin and escaped under darkness, then Melkor refused to give her the silmarils and balrogs came to Melkor's aid and she fled somewhere south of Beleriand. My question is: How exactly did she die if she did?
tolkiens legendarium - Why is Shelob considered evil? - Science …
2019年2月17日 · Well, Tolkien's narration gives us some of Shelob's sentient thoughts, and he tells us by the quote in your question something about her influence from her parent Ungoliant. But it's your question and you can set the parameters, define the terms, and apply the logic of your desire in choosing your answer. –
the lord of the rings - How is Shelob's name known? - Science …
2016年12月14日 · You seem to me to be making the assumption that "Torech Ungol, Shelob's Lair" is a name and then a translation with your line "Neither of the words in the phrase meaning "Shelob's Lair" [...]" (emphasis mine). To me it reads "Torech Ungol (the name of the place), Shelob's Lair (the description of the place)". Parenthetical citations mine. –
tolkiens legendarium - Were the Balrogs of Middle-Earth …
2024年9月12日 · In the role-playing game supplement, Moria: Through the Doors of Durin, there is a section on the Balrog of Moria which makes some curious statements about Balrogs in general: The Balrogs were too...
tolkiens legendarium - Does Shelob have a human form? - Science …
2017年8月8日 · The idea behind the creators of the game with Shelob's human form was: Because a talking spider would've been strange, They had Shelob interact with Sauron and assume she was this divine god-like spirit that was equal to Sauron, To "weave the fate" of Thalion in the same way Galadriel guided Frodo, and to do that as a spider would be confusing..
Is Shelob a Maia? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2014年4月24日 · So is Shelob, great spawn of Ungoliant, a Maia, assuming that her mother is? EDIT: Since there has been so much confusion, the key question here is NOT "What is Ungoliant?" The key question is truly and simply "If Ungoliant was a Maia, would Shelob also be?"
tolkiens legendarium - How and why did Gollum "worship" Shelob ...
2019年2月17日 · Here is the exact quote from The Two Towers: Shelob's Lair:. Already, years before, Gollum had beheld her, Smeagol who pried into all dark holes, and in past days he had bowed and worshipped her, and the darkness of her evil will walked through all the ways of his weariness beside him, cutting him off from light and from regret.
Did Shelob Die? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2012年9月2日 · The only canon information regarding Shelob's fate is the passage you cited in The Two Towers, namely “this tale does not tell”. That, and we know that after the fight, as Sam enters Mordor with the Ring, “still at a distance he heard the bubbling of Shelob in her misery” with his sharpened hearing, so she did not die immediately of her ...
What exactly was the understanding between Gollum and Shelob?
The Two Towers Book IV Chapter 9: "Shelob's Lair" Although it does seem a questionable assumption that Shelob wouldn't be interested in the Ring, as pointed out in the question (and by the observation that everybody is interested in the Ring 2 ), it seems unlikely that Gollum knew about Shelob's lineage, or that he would have known much about ...