约 2,340 个结果
  1. the lord of the rings - What happened to Ungoliant? - Science …

  2. tolkiens legendarium - How did Ungoliant die? - Science Fiction ...

  3. tolkiens legendarium - Why is Shelob considered evil? - Science …

  4. the lord of the rings - How is Shelob's name known? - Science …

  5. tolkiens legendarium - Were the Balrogs of Middle-Earth …

  6. tolkiens legendarium - Does Shelob have a human form? - Science …

  7. Is Shelob a Maia? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange

  8. tolkiens legendarium - How and why did Gollum "worship" Shelob ...

  9. Did Shelob Die? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange

  10. What exactly was the understanding between Gollum and Shelob?