Sheriam Bayanar | A Wheel of Time Wiki | Fandom
Sheriam Bayanar (pronounced: SHEER-ee-ahm bay-ah-NAHR) was a highly influential Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. She was Mistress of Novices during the tenure of the Amyrlin Siuan …
Sheriam Bayanar | The Wheel of Time Wiki | Fandom
Sheriam Bayanar is a character in The Wheel of Time television series, first appearing in season 2. She is portrayed by Rima Te Wiata. Sheriam is the Mistress of Novices in the White Tower.[1...
Sheriam Bayanar - Tar Valon Library
2019年4月29日 · Sheriam Bayanar is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah (TGH, Ch. 23). She was Mistress of Novices under Siuan Sanche when she was the Amyrlin Seat (TPoD, Ch. 17). She …
Encyclopaedia WoT: Sheriam Bayanar
Sheriam is Mistress of Novices while Morgase is at the White Tower. Siuan names Sheriam as her Mistress of Novices. Sheriam finds a creative way to break the block of a fifteen year old …
Sheriam Bayanar (Character) - Comic Vine
Sheriam is a fellow Accepted and close friend of Moiraine Damodred and Siuan Sanche. Sheriam is a channeler of fair strength. As a channeler, her lifespan is greatly expanded compared to …
1.5.4 Is Sheriam Black Ajah? Who's beating her up?
Prior to TPOD, there was little reason to really believe Sheriam was BA. There was some speculation, based mostly on the fact that Mistress of Novices would be a good position for a …
Sheriam : r/WoT - Reddit
2023年6月8日 · During those initial conversations with Siuan and Leanna, Sheriam is the most outspoken about the injustices that Elida committed, and is the quickest to latch on to the idea …
Sheriam Bayanar | La Rueda del Tiempo Wiki | Fandom
Sheriam Bayanar es una Aes Sedai del Ajah Azul, así como la Maestra de las Novicias bajo el gobierno de Siuan Sanche. Es considerada una mujer firme pero justa, ante la cual las …
Luc, the figure, Sheriam, the Grey Men and her punishments
2008年3月6日 · We know of two dead Grey Men in the White Tower - the one which tried to kill Egwene / Nynaeve, and the one which Sheriam found in her bed. What struck me though, was …
Black Ajah Character List - Tar Valon Library - The White Tower
2016年1月5日 · Sheriam Bayanar: (Blue Ajah) is from Saldaea. She is plump with red hair, pale green eyes and a warm smile. Her warder is Arinvar. She is Mistress of novices for Siuan and …