Shhh Sound Effect for Babies | Black Screen - YouTube
10 hours of shhh sound effect to help your baby sleep. 10 hours hushing sounds help your baby to sleep the whole night. The screen is black to keep light dis...
"shhhhhhhh"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
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SHHH 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online Dictionary
`Now is there anything else you need, apart from - shhh - you know what? He is not alone in yearning for a bit of 'shhh'. This is all about the uber-manipulation of the image through …
如果在英语中SHHHHH怎么读? - 百度知道
Jun 5, 2020 · 您好shhhh读作 /ʃ/ (和show的sh发音一样).不过一般写成shh, 意思是 嘘,别说话。 请采纳.
SHHH definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
This is all about the uber-manipulation of the image through lighting, make-up, sets and — shhh — electronic retouching wizardry. 2 meanings: informal → variant forms of sh1 an exclamation …
SHHH definition in American English | Collins English Dictionary
`Now is there anything else you need, apart from - shhh - you know what? He is not alone in yearning for a bit of 'shhh'. This is all about the uber-manipulation of the image through …
shhhh是什么意思 shhhh的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课
Aug 14, 2023 · ’shhhh’是表示安静、嘘声的用语。 中文翻译:嘘声;安静。 读音: [?] + [h] 例句: 1. Shhhh! Don’t make noise, the baby is sleeping.(嘘! 别吵,宝宝正在睡觉。 2. The librarian shushed the noisy students.(图书管理员嘘声让吵闹的学生安静下来。
WEAN – shhhhhhh.. feat tlinh (Official Lyrics Video) - YouTube
WEAN feat tlinh - shhhhhhh.. (Official Lyrics Video)Official Audio: https://orcd.co/shhhhhhhArtist: WEAN - tlinhMusic Producer: Liem Hieu & AlterboiMix and ...
shhhhh怎么读,"shhhhh"的发音 - 查查在线翻译
shhhhh的發音,shhhhh的讀音,shhhhh怎麼讀,shhhhh pronunciation,发音,例句,用法,同义词,反义词由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。 英语翻译 日语翻译 法语翻译 韩语翻译 俄语翻译 汉语词典 Hindi
Lalilo - Shhht
Le silence fera apparaître une surprise... Durée de la séance : 55 min Niveau sonore attendu : calme
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