事情 - 百度百科
事情,拼音:shì qing,汉语词语,事物的实际情形;人类所作所为及自然界的一切现象或活动;处事的道理及人情世故
( affair in Chinese) - Han Trainer English-Chinese and Chinese …
事情 ( shiqing / shìqíng ) is composed of these characters: 事 (shi) , 情 (qing) The traditional Chinese characters of shìqíng are identical with the modern (simplified) characters displayed above.
事情 (shì qing) Definition & Meaning - What does 事情 ... - HanBook
The Chinese translation of 事情 is affair; matter; thing; business; question .
石 青__北京理工大学机电学院 - Beijing Institute of Technology
主要从事仿生机器人、生机电融合研究,研制了国际先进的多个微小型仿生机器人平台。 主持国家优秀青年科学基金、国家重点研发计划国际合作专项、国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目等科研项目10余项;申请国家发明专利40余项、美国及日本等国际发明专利7项,已授权20余项;在相关领域国内外期刊发表学术论文30余篇,相关论文得到机器人领域国际权威J....
Dr. Shi-Qing Wang : The University of Akron, Ohio
Shi-Qing Wang, a leader in polymer rheology and mechanics, came to UA in 2000 after serving 11 years on the faculty in the Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve University.
Shi Qingxuan | Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki | Fandom
Shi Qingxuan (师青玄, Shī Qīngxuán), also known as Lord Wind Master Qingxuan (风师青玄, Fēng Shī Qīng Xuán), is one of the five Elemental Masters in the Heavenly Court. Since he is often worshiped as a female version of himself and often transforms into a woman, he was given the nickname Lady Wind...
情 meaning and pronunciation - translate 情 in English | HSK …
事情 (shì qing) : affair; matter; thing; business HSK 3 vocabulary list 热情 (rè qíng) : cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately
世情,汉语词汇,拼音:shì qíng,指世间的种种情态;时代风气;势力;世人,时人。 [the ways of the world] 世上的种种情形;世态人情。 不懂世情。 [1] 《文选· 陆机》:“练世情之常尤,识 …
SHI Qing
Qing Shi, Zhan Yang, Yana Guo, Huaping Wang, Lining Sun, Qiang Huang, Toshio Fukuda. A Vision-based Automated Manipulation System for the Pick-up of Carbon Nanotubes. IEEE/ASME...
Shi Qing's Art For Sale, Exhibitions & Biography | Ocula Artist
Shi Qing, born in 1969 in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, lived and worked in Beijing for almost two decades before moving to Shanghai. A selection of major exhibitions in which Shi Qing has participated includes: Santa Fe Biennale (U.S.A, 2008), Guangzhou Triennial (China, 2005), Prague Biennale (Czech Republic, 2005), Busan Biennale (Korea, 2004).
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