ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd.
Discover ShinMaywa Group's efforts to enable a smoother functioning society, making life safer and more convenient. 新明和 (上海)商貿有限公司が設立20周年、新明和 (上海)精密機械有限公司が設立15周年を迎えました! ShinMaywa Group contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our business activities. we will continue to meet the real needs of society.
ShinMaywa - Wikipedia
ShinMaywa, headquartered in Takarazuka, Hyōgo Prefecture, is perhaps best known for its seaplanes, such as the Shin Meiwa US-1A amphibian, and its upgraded form, the ShinMaywa US-2. The company has also been involved in the international supply chain of aircraft manufacturers such as American Boeing corporation. [2]
ShinMaywa Company Profile - Craft
2024年10月29日 · ShinMaywa Industries (新明和工業(株)) is a company that specializes in the manufacture and sale of transportation equipment. It offers automatic wire processing machines, environmental systems, vacuum and parking equipment, submersible pumps and mixers, components for commercial aircraft and amphibians, construction-related vehicles, etc.
shinmaywa - pciautotronics
ShinMaywa is the prime manufacturer of the world’s only amphibian aircraft capable of open-sea landing and takeoff. ShinMaywa produces over 200 types of trucks, including Dump Trucks, Refuse Compactors, and Tailgate Lifters to Concrete Mixer and Petroleum Tanks.
ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd. - EPICOS
2023年8月14日 · ShinMaywa, is the prime manufacturer of the world's only amphibian aircraft capable of open-sea landing and takeoff. Remarkable capabilities of its US-1A and US-2 STOL Search and Rescue Amphibians enable the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force to transport emergency patients from outlying islands and rescue victims of disasters at sea.
※国内トップクラスの実績をもつ特装⾞や⽔中ポンプ、⾶⾏艇をはじめ、パーキングシステム(機械式駐⾞場)・環境システム・空港旅客搭乗橋・産業機器と幅広い事業領域を展開することで⽇常⽣活とかかわりの深い事業も展開しています。 概要:「VISION WITH INSIGHT」 (広い視野と洞察で未来を展望し、社会やお客様が必要とする真のニーズに応え続ける)。 ※国内トップクラスの実績をもつ特装⾞や⽔中ポンプ、⾶⾏艇をはじめ、パーキングシステム(機械式駐 …
Shin Meiwa US-1A - Wikipedia
The Shin Meiwa PS-1 and US-1A is a large STOL aircraft designed for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and air-sea rescue (SAR) work respectively by Japanese aircraft manufacturer Shin Meiwa.
Shin Meiwa PS-1 US-1A Japan Maritime Self Defense Force
The Shin Meiwa PS-1 and US-1A was a large STOL aircraft designed for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and air-sea rescue (SAR) work respectively by Japanese aircraft manufacturer Shin Meiwa.
製品・サービス - 新明和工業株式会社
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