shiny mewtwo - Pokemon FireRed Version - GameFAQs
I've been soft-reseting: Shiny Celebi: 1 year--no luck Shiny Jirachi:2 months--no luck--soft-resting at a halt for a moment Shiny Kyogre: 1 week--no luck Shiny Latias: 1 month--no luck Shiny Regice: 2 days--no luck Shiny Rayquaza: 5 months--no luck--soft-resting at a halt for a moment Shiny Giratina: 2 weeks-- no luck I keep soft reseting ...
how do I gt a shiny mewtwo : r/PokemonLetsGo - Reddit
2021年6月20日 · The only way to get a shiny Mewtwo at this point would be to transfer it from Pokemon Go. The Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave is the only Mewtwo in the game. What I did, was I sent over a non-shiny Mewtwo from my Pokemon Go to register it in Let's Go, and then you can use the shiny charm on the static encounter in Cerulean Cave to soft reset for it.
Does Anybody Know What The Shiny Odds Of Shadow Mewtwo …
i know its RNG, just think its quite funny: i didnt top up my coins for around 1 month and was saving them for groudon, kyogre and mewtwo raids. 1/21 raids for kyogre was shiny. 1/60 groudon raids was shiny. my last coins were enough for ~80 mewtwo raids. no shiny so far. the very first mewtwo i got after buying coins was my first shiny mewtwo.
Can you get a Shiny Mewtwo in X and Y? - GameFAQs
2013年10月12日 · Very unfortunately, all Kalos Born legendaries are shiny locked. That includes mewtwo, zygarde, xerneas, yveltal, moltres articuno and zapdos. No one can or ever will catch a kalos born shiny mewtwo, the only way to get a shiny mewtwo is to use pokebank and transfer over a mewtwo from HGSS, where it was not shiny locked.
Looking for tips on Shiny hunting mewtwo - GameFAQs
Get the shiny charm first. There are a lot of people letting others borrow mew and mewtwo for data. I had the shiny charm. Took me at least 100-200 resets. Wasnt really counting. But I got him within 1 day of trying which was nice. The combo would do you no justice past your 1st attempt. Getting a 31 combo each time is just ludacris. But still ...
Should level up this or the 98% shiny mewtwo : r/pokemongo
Idk what users are on about here. Armored mewtwo is just useless right now in pvp, and mediocre in raids (has worse stats and moves from Regular Mewtwo) The shiny 98 is like perfect for master league and a great attacker for raids, power up that.
5000+ Soft Resets for Shiny Mewtwo - Pokemon Ultra Sun
I have wanted shiny Mewtwo for a very long time now, so I saved right before the moment where I trigger the battle with him. I know soft resetting for shinies works only for legendaries and Ultra Beasts, and that the shiny rate is 1000 and something generally for legendaries in …
Nearly perfect Shiny Mewtwo! A blessing from the Pokegods at last!
2021年7月20日 · Shadow Mewtwo with shadow ball is usually the top counter against psychic types, and there are a lot of psychic type legendaries (Mewtwo, Lugia, Lake trio, and decent against Latias/os). It even shows use against Giratina. Regular Mewtwo is less useful for this, but if you have ice beam or even psystrike on Mewtwo as well it's a great dual counter.
Is soft resetting for shiny Mewtwo worth the time?
- Shiny pokémon has no value, no money value, no acomplishment value, no moral value, no fun value, no respect value, nothing, no one cares if you have a shiny mewtwo, and even if yourself care, you wont care after pass this game and play something else, or do another thing in your life.
Shiny, lucky, 100% mewtwo! : r/pokemongo - Reddit
2020年6月5日 · Mewtwo isnt really the best option for the Elite TM for Psystrike/SB imo. I got really lucky last September when they released its shiny and Psystrike by getting a shiny 15/12/15 IV, so I pulled the trigger on it and gave it SB as its second move.