Shiphrah and Puah - Wikipedia
Shiphrah (Hebrew: שִׁפְרָה Šip̄rā) and Puah (Hebrew: פּוּעָה Pūʿā) were two midwives who briefly prevented a genocide [1] of children by the Egyptians, according to Exodus 1:15–21. …
Who Were Shiphrah and Puah in the Bible, and How Do They …
2024年12月12日 · Shiphrah and Puah testified to the power of the Living God with their very lives. Facing an order from a murderous Pharaoh, the most powerful human they could have known, …
施弗拉和普阿 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉比 約瑟夫·特魯什金 (英语:Joseph Telushkin) 認爲施弗拉和普阿的叛逃與 猶太人大屠殺期間的救援者 (英语:Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust) (其中許多人都是宗教人士)相 …
Shiphrah and Puah - Jewish Virtual Library
SHIPHRAH AND PUAH (Heb. פּוּעָה, שִׁפְרָה), two Hebrew women who served as midwives for the Israelites in Egypt (Ex. 1:15ff.). Ordered by Pharaoh to kill all male children at birth, Shiphrah …
Shiphrah: Midrash and Aggadah - Jewish Women's Archive
Shiphrah was one of the two Hebrew midwives who delivered the children of the Israelites during the Egyptian servitude. She is mentioned only once in the Bible, but the Rabbis identify the …
3 Reasons You Should Know the Courageous Story of Shiprah and …
2022年3月16日 · Shiphrah (“splendid”) and Puah (“beautiful”) were the two Hebrew midwives who covertly defied Pharoah and prevented the genocide of Israel’s baby boys born during their …
Puah and Shiphrah - Women In The Scriptures
Puah means “splendid” in Hebrew and Shiphrah means “brightness”. Speculations about them: It is unclear whether Shiphrah and Puah were Hebrew or Egyptian and if they were “Hebrew …
Shiphrah and Puah: Lessons from the midwives in Exodus 1
2023年4月13日 · Shiphrah and Puah were powerful women of faith in the Old Testament. Only a few verses in the Bible tell their story but their bravery and faithfulness make them outstanding …
Who were Shiphrah and Puah in the Bible and what can we …
2018年2月17日 · Shiphrah and Puah have a short appearance in the Bible. We read their story in Exodus 1:15-21, before Moses was born. These two women served as midwives in Egypt.
Shiphrah: Bible | Jewish Women's Archive
Shiphrah (more commonly spelled "Shifra") is one of the two named midwives (the other being Puah) who serve the Hebrew women in Egypt and who contravene Pharaoh’s order to kill at …