Chisudo | Creatures of Sonaria Wiki | Fandom
The Chisudo is a Tier 3 flying carnivore. The species is available in the Mecha Explorer Gacha. The trial version is available in the Trial Creatures Shop for 75 ♂ /750 ♀ Shooms. Chisudo circle the skies in an endless hunt to fuel themselves on anything they can scrounge up.
Chisudo Showcase! New CoS Update - YouTube
Creatures of Sonaria has a new update, and it brings us two new creatures. Chisudo is the one I am showcasing today! Funky metal bird 🦜I don’t intend on see...
Chisudo and Zeoarex Showcase! CoS - YouTube
Two new creatures added in Game! Chisudo and Zeoarex! ~Be ready for small giveaway in CoS!~
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