Hero Tsunami Doctor Still Coping With Japan's Disaster One Year …
2012年3月6日 · Moments after Japan's largest earthquake rocked the fishing port of Minamisanriku last March, the 32 year-old doctor and his staff at Shizugawa Public Hospital began evacuating patients to the 5th ...
南三陸町 南三陸病院 Minamisanriku Hospital
当院は新型コロナウイルス感染症における診療・検査医療機関に指定されています。 受診いただきますようお願いいたします。 かかりつけ医をお持ちでない方は、下記相談窓口までご相談ください。 厚労省、宮城県より公開されているこちらの情報についても合わせてご参照ください。 ご理解ご協力のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 間:令和5年度~令和9年度)を策定しましたので公表します。 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 (R6.3.28) 令和6年4月より、整形外科は …
Category : Shizugawa Public Hospital - Wikimedia
English: Category for the Shizugawa Public Hospital in Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Tsunami Hits Shizugawa Hospital, Minamisanriku Town 3/11/2011
2011年3月11日 · Out of 107 patients and some staffs in the building, 75 died. The residents had blocked the stairs, slowing down evacuation efforts of the patients. A further 120 inpatients survived here. Special...
Minamisanriku - Wikipedia
Shizugawa Hospital was one of the few major buildings that survived the tsunami. It was partly inundated, and 74 out of 109 patients died. Close to 200 people were rescued from the roof. [25]
To Provide More Appropriate Medical Services|ToMMo
The original Shizugawa Hospital was washed away by the tsunami, and the hospital now operates out of two locations: 1) Minami Sanriku Public Medical Clinic, which only has outpatient functions; and 2) Shizugawa Public Hospital, which uses a clinic with unused beds in Yoneyama Town, Tome City as its hospital ward.
公立志津川病院の悲劇・惨劇 南三陸
海からの距離わずか400メートルの平地に立つ宮城県南三陸町の公立志津川病院。 東日本大震災で入院患者107人のうち72人が死亡・行方不明となり、院内では看護師と看護助手計3人も波にのまれた。 病院は東棟(4階)と西棟(5階)の2棟。 津波は4階まで達した。 入院患者の多くが自力歩行困難な65歳以上の高齢者だった。 「上がれ上がれ」。 シーツに包み、 午後2時46分。 強烈な横揺れに体を支えきれず、廊下の手すりをつかんだ。 東棟4階の看護師千葉志帆さ …
Report from the Front Lines: TMAT Minamisanriku Response
2011年4月13日 · The images give a glimpse of rescue efforts by TMAT and the staff of Shizugawa Hospital, a local medical facility that was deeply affected by the tsunami. In the album, you will see TMAT members, including Ms. Ecklund (midwest USA), Ms. Kimura (Kanagawa), Dr. Inagaki (New York), and Dr. Kamal Ramani (New York, JMSA board member).
Now and then: Photos show rebuilding since 3/11 disaster
2024年3月11日 · Shizugawa Hospital was demolished, and the town’s disaster prevention office building, where 43 people, including employees, were killed, can be seen in the center. (Tatsuya Shimada) Prev
Japan Medical Association - 日本医師会
2011年4月21日 · The Shizugawa Hospital is unusable, and so at present doctors are using a large prefab clinic left behind by the Israeli military as a temporary clinic and also making rounds to evacuation shelters. On April 13-16, Executive Board Member Yukitoshi Hanashi visited the prefectural medical associations in Ibaraki, Tochigi, Fukushima, Yamagata ...