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Shosa - Dragon Ball Wiki
Shosa (ショウサ, Shōsa) is a warrior from Universe 4 and a member of Team Universe 4. He resembles a traditional werewolf with dark greenish fur, having very feral looking hind-legs. He also has tuft of fur around his neck.
所作 Shosa
毎日使う所作のケアに ジェルと防水スプレーがセットになりました。 GEL POLISH / ジェルポリッシュ スクワラン、ミツロウ、ラノリン、シアバター、水、シリコン配合 Size : Φ 6,6 × H 3,3 cm / 60 ml WATER PROOF / 防水スプレー Size : Φ 4,4 × H 19,2 / 180ml ______ ボロボロにならないような保湿を 一度付くと取れない、革の黒ずみの予防に 油・汗・汚れの侵入を防ぐた …
What does 所作 (Shosa) mean in Japanese? - WordHippo
Need to translate "所作" (Shosa) from Japanese? Here are 3 possible meanings.
Shosa (Anime) - VS Battles Wiki
Shosa is a warrior from Universe 4 and a member of Team Universe 4. Tier: 2-C. Name: Shosa. Origin: Dragon Ball. Gender: Male. Age: Unknown. Classification: Alien, Member of Universe 4.
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Sogo shosha - Wikipedia
Sogo shosha (総合商社, sōgō shōsha, or general trading companies) are Japanese wholesale companies that trade in a wide range of products and materials. In addition to acting as intermediaries, sōgō shōsha also engage in logistics, plant development and other services, as well as international resource exploration.
所作 Shosa
單純地裁切、摺疊皮革,對品質毫不妥協。 堅持以日本傳統的袱紗與日本民族待人接物的誠心,製作出百分之百的日本姬路手工皮件.
ショートウォレット2.0 | 所作 Shosa
Xhosa language - Wikipedia
Xhosa (/ ˈkɔːsə / KAW-sə or / ˈkoʊsə / ⓘ KOH-sə, [5][6][7] Xhosa: [ᵏǁʰôːsa] ⓘ), formerly spelled Xosa and also known by its local name isiXhosa, is a Bantu language, indigenous to Southern Africa and one of the official languages of South Africa and Zimbabwe. [8] .