Shot Blast CMU - ORCO
ORCO Block & Hardscape manufacture CMU, Concrete Block, Cinder Block, Paver, Paving stones, Mortars, Blended or Sack Products, OBP, and mortarless, segmental, SRW, retaining …
Shotblast Concrete Blocks - RCP Block & Brick
Shotblast concrete block is textured through the blasting of concrete block faces with shot, creating a pitted texture which not only give depth to the concrete block unit, but exposes the …
Shotblast units provide a roughened, weathered appearance with some aggregate exposure. Precision cmu are processed through a machine that propels shot media against each unit to …
Shot Blast - Genest Concrete
Shot Blast CMU’s are created with a process similar to sand blasting, the face of the block is “shot” to reveal a variety of aggregates and colors while still maintaining a soft and consistent …
MiriStone Shot Blast CMU – Austin Block + Hardscape
MiriStone Shot Blast block meets ASTM C90 and C129 specifications for load-bearing and non-load-bearing CMU, respectively.
Antique Finished Concrete Blocks - Rustic CMU | Nitterhouse
Nitterhouse’s Antique CMU has a shot blast finish that exposes the natural beauty of the aggregate that is a main ingredient within the block. It also meets the ASTM-C90 specification …
Factory Shot Blast units are ideal for interior and exterior applications. The structural integrity of these units results in a one-step, single-trade installation process. Construct a sample panel, …
Northern CA Shot Blast CMU Colors - basalite-cmu
Northern CA Shot Blast CMU Colors. Base Colors. 225 - Shot Blast. Base - Lightweight. 345 - Shot Blast. Base - Lightweight. 625 - Shot Blast. Base - Medium Weight. 645 - Shot Blast. …
Products – Cind-R-Lite Block Co.
We have utilized our shot blast process to create a new and modern approach to design block. The process allows you to get a wall design that stands out from the rest, by not only …
Shot Blast CMU – ORCO
ORCO Block & Hardscape manufacture CMU, Concrete Block, Cinder Block, Paver, Paving stones, Mortars, Blended or Sack Products, OBP, and mortarless, segmental, SRW, retaining …